Richy riwe@identi.ca
Piratenpartei Unterfranken mainpiraten@identi.ca
Wurzburg, Germany
BzV Unterfranken | Gernot @orgain Gerlach /gg | Lars @womburger Zillger /lz | Sven @SuVuK Henze /sh | Tilman @spicewiesel Beitter /tb
Benni Bärmann benni@identi.ca
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Universaldilletant, bei Twitter unter @benni_b zu finden.
Evan Prodromou evan@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
Montreal hacker and entrepreneur. Founder of identi.ca, lead developer of pump.io, CEO of E14N Inc.
vinzv (inactive) vinzv@identi.ca
Augsburg, Germany
This account is inactive, but since pump.io has no account termination feature, I'll have to keep this open. You can follow me at https://gnusocial.de/vinzv
grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen) grmpyoldman@identi.ca
Tysk medlem 海盗党 but also tied to my LoveleyYoungWoman
Free Software Foundation Europe fsfe@identi.ca
Brussels, Europe
non-profit organisation working on freedoms to use, study, share and improve software as critical for equal participation in the information age.
Electronic Frontier Foundation eff@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
Defending your civil liberties in a digital world! Follow us to stay at the forefront of tech policy issues.