James Cain ronnoc@identi.ca
Lebanon, United States
Computer consultant, Geek, Father, Hockey, Music, Travel, Camping, Mopar nut. Opensource / KDE. Lust for life. & Music!
2012-08-28T06:24:47+00:00 To: Public
Humorous Take On Apple's Penchant For Suing, Well, Everyone: A Google+ share from today, this vi... http://t.co/s1eO4zsR #kubuntu #linuxRajit Vikram Singh shared by James Cain at 2012-08-27T00:06:15+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
The latest release of !Chakra Linux has been dedicated to Claire Lotion, and is thus named Claire. !KDEJames Cain, James Cain, Rahul Gami T, Rahul Gami T shared this.
Lydia Pintscher shared by James Cain at 2012-08-27T22:35:14+00:00 via web To: Public
New Necessitas release is out \o/ Qt rocking Android: http://ur1.ca/a1gyk !KDEPopa Adrian Marius likes this.
Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius, James Cain, James Cain and 4 others shared this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by James Cain at 2012-08-20T09:07:36+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
#KDE News (dot.kde.org) undergoes major upgrade http://www.sayakbanerjee.com/2012/08/19/dot-kde-org-major-upgrade/ #linuxJames Cain, James Cain shared this.
2012-08-09T12:05:09+00:00 in Ohio Township, Ohio, United States To: Public
Has anyone succeeded in getting Urban Terror 4.2 running in #Kubuntu? No luck here.2012-08-09T11:29:49+00:00 in Ohio Township, Ohio, United States To: Public
Digia Acquires Qt from Nokia, Has plans To Go Cross-Platform: Digia announced it was acquiring... http://t.co/HtPMuWzo #kubuntu #linux2012-08-08T15:26:41+00:00 in Ohio Township, Ohio, United States To: Public
Kubuntu Gets KDE Support In Firefox Again: Somehow this little innocuous post from our friends... http://t.co/WsNBPoyk #kubuntu #linux2012-08-07T20:28:34+00:00 in Ohio Township, Ohio, United States To: Gordon Sinclair, Public
♻ @thistleweb: #Google and #Oracle ordered to disclose bloggers and journalists they paid to influence coverage http://goo.gl/xteQo2012-08-07T20:02:32+00:00 in Ohio Township, Ohio, United States To: a(n) person, Public
I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/KxiuqTlf KDE on Windows 8 - Who else hates Metro?sinclair shared by James Cain at 2012-08-07T04:15:19+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
!KDE 4.9 on !Kubuntu 12.04 - after some initial tinkering looks and feels really good! Well done !KDE and !KubuntuMark de Waal, Mark de Waal, James Cain, James Cain shared this.
2012-08-06T12:57:36+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
James Cain, James Cain shared this.
@schestowitz they accidentally did a #London2012 message across the network instead of one channel beforeluiseme shared by James Cain at 2012-08-05T05:55:56+00:00 via web To: Public
Anybody knows how to show favorites posts in #choqok?James Cain, James Cain shared this.
2012-08-04T21:56:57+00:00 in Ohio Township, Ohio, United States To: Public
What Are The First 10 Things You Install After A New Kubuntu Installation? bit.ly/OS3np2 #linux #kubuntu #kde2012-08-01T21:44:05+00:00 in Ohio, United States To: Public
Steam Games on Linux Interview with Ethan Lee - Audio interview with a key Valve Linux-y person bit.ly/R8PGOY #kde #kubuntu2012-07-29T21:19:01+00:00 in Ohio, United States To: Public
The Official Skype Linux User's Forum. Get your questions answered there: bit.ly/NPopSo #linux #kubuntu2012-07-25T22:45:35+00:00 in Ohio, United States To: Public
So, the #KDE hashtag on Twitter seems to be over-run with Latin American teenage girls :/ #wewerehere1st2012-07-24T00:58:39+00:00 in Ohio, United States To: Public
QupZilla Browser Continues Rapid Development, Makes Case For Top Browser In Kubuntu. Check it out, it's fast! bit.ly/NR6yZY #netrunner #kde2012-07-23T18:33:21+00:00 in Ohio, United States To: Public
2012-07-23T02:32:48+00:00 in Ohio, United States To: Public
Listening to Slayradio's Commodore64 Mixes. Amazingly cool, relaxing, and geeky-awesome! bit.ly/M5eefk