Rutger van Sleen rvs@identi.ca
Groningen, Netherlands
Vrolijke import Groninger, nerd, muziekfan. Vrije en open software voorstander, voorzitter van de Nederlandse Linux Gebruikers Groep.
Gijs Hillenius gijs@identi.ca
Journalist focusing on sustainability of government IT, vendor-independence & use of free and open source software by public administrations
Erik van Luxzenburg evanluxzenburg@identi.ca
Apeldoorn, the Netherlands
@RodeKruis vrijwilliger: Ledenraadslid Instructeur #EHBO & #EHV trainer | #Lean & #Agile profiel: @eLuxZen | Voor mijn #PGP keyID: https://luxzen.eu/erik/
Debian Art debianart@identi.ca
Universal City, United States
DebianArt.org is a repository of artwork done for Debian and compatible with Debian Policy.
Adriaan de Groot adridg@identi.ca
Dronten, Netherlands
Python hacker, KDE dude and some-time Free Software legal wrangler
Glyn Moody glynmoody@identi.ca
City of Westminster, United Kingdom
writer (Rebel Code), journalist, blogger, mostly GNU/Linux, open source, open content; the commons, copyright, patents and digital rights
Reinout van Schouwen reinouts@identi.ca
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Research (Java) developer @ BioSemantics.org Interest in Free Software (Gnome) and green politics
Jan Wildeboer jwildeboer@identi.ca
Munich, Germany
Distributed, federated world domination based on open standards and with Free Software is my goal.
Raphaël Hertzog raphaelhertzog@identi.ca
La Talaudière, France
Debian developer, Free software consultant, author of a Debian book. My passion: contributing to debian.