Free Software Foundation at 2012-02-28T23:03:32+00:00
FSF Europe Launches "Free Your Android" - FSF blog: ur1.ca/8fmxy - FSFE site: freeyourandroid.org !fsfe !fsf !gnu !replicant #fdroidHelena Meler, Christopher Allan Webber, Gemini, Heikki Lappalainen and 4 others likes this.
michelenlared, infotics, infotics, República del Hackuador and 27 others shared this.
Those two of the same thumbnails created an android freedom dance party. #bmchbmchbmchDoes FSF's project add anything that #cyanogenmod didn't? I really like cyanogenmod.Free Software Foundation at 2012-03-06T17:16:41+00:00
Some great photos of Richard Stallman's trip to #India in Jan & Feb 2012 @RMS !fsf !gnu - www.fsf.org/blogs/rms/a-passage-to-indiaHelena Meler likes this.
Anoop Jacob Thomas, Anoop Jacob Thomas shared this.
♻ @fsf: Some great photos of Richard Stallman's trip to #India in Jan & Feb 2012 - http://ur1.ca/8jkr0