Lennert Holvoet schwarzprod@identi.ca

Meule Meersen, Belgium

weirdo & semi-geek; likes libraries; Linux; Android; FLOSS; webdev; blogging; reading http://openbronblog.wordpress.com http://denstylo.be


  • Tim Coninx timconinx@identi.ca

    Leuven, Belgium

    Software architect, fantasy fanatic, avid gamer

  • teufen teufen@identi.ca

  • Christopher Ranschaert haploc@identi.ca

    Ghent, Belgium

  • Jan Joris De Dobbeleer janjoris@identi.ca

    Diest, Belgium

  • Bradley M. Kuhn bkuhn@identi.ca

    originally from Baltimore, MD, USA.

  • Steven! Ragnarök nuclearsandwich@identi.ca

    Santa Clara, California

    I am the Lunatic Hacker. I like books. I'm in computers and wish to be in deeper. I was a professional barista. On occasion I swing dance.

  • Paul Pritchard expatpaul@identi.ca


    British film buff and Science Fiction fan. Currently living in Belgium and earning an income from building interfaces.

  • Kuro Sawai kuro@identi.ca

    Mbrg, Germany

    Bright, german. I like serious contents, quality pictures & humor; no spam, not too much chat!

  • Richard Fontana fontana@identi.ca

    Native New Yorker/Brooklynite, now in exile

    IAAL. Views in dents solely mine & not those of any past|present employer|client. Fear not the long con!

  • Dimi Piraat dimipiraat@identi.ca


    Anarcho-taoist-gypsy-rasta-hippie-burner-punk into tattoos, electronic music, activism, ecology, geek stuff and lots more.

  • Kevie Jr weeguy@identi.ca

    Arnol, United Kingdom

    my parents are on here @kevie & @lochiesangel, everybody's been asking for me so dad set up my account

  • X11R5 x11r5@identi.ca

    Proprietary drivers are being piloted by tiny mice in swivel-chairs.

  • Maverick mavjs@identi.ca

    between 0s & 1s

    Tech enthusiast, lover of *nix systems, Likes #Free / #Libre & #Open #Source Software, #GreenComputing, #Cloud, #InfoSec wannabe, #burma, #myanmar

  • Ed Morgan mo6020@identi.ca

    Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

    Former British Soldier, I now work as a consultant focussing on NetApp and VMWare. I like FreeBSD, comics, and rock music.

  • Sebastien B. morphix@identi.ca

    Meule Meersen, Belgium

    Geek libriste, sysadmin dans l'âme, guitariste depuis 6 ans & Quake 3 über-fan

  • ostfriesenmärz march@identi.ca


    Eure teelichter haben mir falsche vorstellungen von erleuchtung vermittelt.

  • x1101 x1101@identi.ca

    #nerd, #outlaw, #hacker, #freesoftware nut, #linux enthusiast, #metalhead, #scriptslinger, #twitterquitter

  • Wikimedia wikimedia@identi.ca

    San Francisco, United States

    Wikimedia is a non-profit charitable organization that operates Wikipedia and several other online collaborative wiki projects.

  • Nils Geylen nilsgeylen@identi.ca

    Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

    Before this I wrote shit and designed shit and wrote about that. Now I am sick.

  • Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. andyc@identi.ca

    Now resident at PumpDog

    Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'.