Richard Fontana fontana@identi.ca
Native New Yorker/Brooklynite, now in exile
IAAL. Views in dents solely mine & not those of any past|present employer|client. Fear not the long con!
2015-02-08T11:46:07Z via Identi.ca Web To: Bradley M. Kuhn CC: Public
@bkuhn asked me at FOSDEM whether I had ever purchased or "taped" any albums by a punk band. (I don't recall how exactly he expressed the question but it was close to that). I told him at the time that I needed to do some research to ascertain whether certain bands "regarded themselves as punk" (I believe I put it that way).
Reformulating the research inquiry for practical reasons as whether said bands are or were generally regarded as punk, I now can answer:
At a particular point in time during my tiime as a teenager I purchased at least two and at most three albums by the Buzzcocks, who are regarded as an "English punk rock band" according to the Wikipedia article about them. I am fairly certain that one of the albums I purchased was A Different Kind of Tension. (The fact that I can't really remember is possibly of some significance. The reason I remember that one album is that I do recall sort of liking the songs "Paradise" and "I Believe" which were evidently on that album.)
At around the same time (give or take six months) I also purchased the debut album by Violent Femmes, called Violent Femmes. According to Wikipedia, Violent Femmes was "an American alternative rock band". I find this classification peculiar because to my recollection the term "alternative rock" was not in use before the 1990s and any application of the term to pre-1990 music seems anachronistic. Anyhow, I don't remember thinking of Violent Femmes as "punk" but rather "punk-influenced". Some websites describe them as "acoustic punk" or "folk punk". .
Anyway, I am fairly certain that's it. No other album I ever purchased (or "taped") could be described as "punk" genrewise.Kete Foy likes this.
Oops, I just remembered that many years after the aforedescribed album purchases, I purchased at least two and probably no more than three CD versions of albums by the Clash. Wikipedia says that the Clash were "an English punk rock band" (much as Wikipedia describes the Buzzcocks). I know I have CDs somewhere in my metaphorical possession of London Calling and Sandinista!. I also now remember that there was an LP of London Calling in my house when I was a teenager but I don't think it belonged to me (it was probably my older brother's).2015-01-04T23:49:37Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Is there any example of a 501(c)(6)/trade association-style nonprofit that used "Foundation" in its name prior to formation of the Eclipse Foundation?2014-11-28T21:08:10Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC:
The intersection between active users of identi.ca and Individual Members of the OpenStack Foundation is probably vanishingly small, but anyway I thought I'd announce that I've received enough nominations to appear on the ballot for the 2015 Individual board seat elections.
I suspect I am and will remain the only candidate who pledges to work to implement the OpenStack Technical Committee resolution calling for the Board to adopt the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) in place of OpenStack's CLA system.Jason Self, Greg Grossmeier, Douglas Perkins likes this.
Charles Stanhope, Douglas Perkins shared this.
2014-04-18T23:25:31Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
When I 'like' something using the identi.ca pump.io web interface, it says "You likes this", which both amuses and bothers me. I was surprised to see that using Pumpa it is displayed as "You like this".
mcepl, Andriy Tymchenko, Christopher Allan Webber, Kete and 2 others likes this.
I likes this.Evan Prodromou at 2014-04-18T23:44:02Z
Andrew E, Richard Fontana, Christopher Allan Webber, Kete and 1 others likes this.
Richard Fontana shared by Richard Fontana at 2014-01-13T14:34:40Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public, Bradley M. Kuhn CC: Followers
I think in a way you romanticize or at least oversimplify what was going on in your elders' time, based on my own historical research.
In the 1980s, the attitudes of many hackers towards the consequences of permissive licensing and also proprietization of free software ranged from indifference to complacency to outright enthusiasm. Many of the early proprietary software entrepreneurs emerged from the same hacker-research social mileu that RMS came out of. RMS's invention of copyleft was not some act of normalcy: it was a revolutionary act at the time because the norm was already permissive licensing in software-sharing communities. Once RMS and others associated with the FSF (such as Len Tower) began to promote the ideas around copyleft, coinciding with the release of influential copylefted software like GNU Emacs and GCC, much of the reaction from their fellow hackers, people more or less their own age, was hostility. That atmosphere of hostility is the context to the GNU Manifesto, for example, but the hostility increased as the 1980s went on, it sees to me from what I've researched. Things only started changing (if they changed at all) when a somewhat younger generation -- which includes you at the younger end, probably -- began to see copyleft as a preferred licensing policy.Christopher Allan Webber, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Richard Fontana, Richard Fontana shared this.
Richard Fontana shared by Richard Fontana at 2014-01-13T14:32:25Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public, Bradley M. Kuhn CC: Followers
I think in a way you romanticize or at least oversimplify what was going on in your elders' time, based on my own historical research.
In the 1980s, the attitudes of many hackers towards the consequences of permissive licensing and also proprietization of free software ranged from indifference to complacency to outright enthusiasm. Many of the early proprietary software entrepreneurs emerged from the same hacker-research social mileu that RMS came out of. RMS's invention of copyleft was not some act of normalcy: it was a revolutionary act at the time because the norm was already permissive licensing in software-sharing communities. Once RMS and others associated with the FSF (such as Len Tower) began to promote the ideas around copyleft, coinciding with the release of influential copylefted software like GNU Emacs and GCC, much of the reaction from their fellow hackers, people more or less their own age, was hostility. That atmosphere of hostility is the context to the GNU Manifesto, for example, but the hostility increased as the 1980s went on, it sees to me from what I've researched. Things only started changing (if they changed at all) when a somewhat younger generation -- which includes you at the younger end, probably -- began to see copyleft as a preferred licensing policy.Christopher Allan Webber, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Richard Fontana, Richard Fontana shared this.
Richard Fontana shared by Richard Fontana at 2014-01-13T14:32:23Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public, Bradley M. Kuhn CC: Followers
I think in a way you romanticize or at least oversimplify what was going on in your elders' time, based on my own historical research.
In the 1980s, the attitudes of many hackers towards the consequences of permissive licensing and also proprietization of free software ranged from indifference to complacency to outright enthusiasm. Many of the early proprietary software entrepreneurs emerged from the same hacker-research social mileu that RMS came out of. RMS's invention of copyleft was not some act of normalcy: it was a revolutionary act at the time because the norm was already permissive licensing in software-sharing communities. Once RMS and others associated with the FSF (such as Len Tower) began to promote the ideas around copyleft, coinciding with the release of influential copylefted software like GNU Emacs and GCC, much of the reaction from their fellow hackers, people more or less their own age, was hostility. That atmosphere of hostility is the context to the GNU Manifesto, for example, but the hostility increased as the 1980s went on, it sees to me from what I've researched. Things only started changing (if they changed at all) when a somewhat younger generation -- which includes you at the younger end, probably -- began to see copyleft as a preferred licensing policy.Christopher Allan Webber, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Richard Fontana, Richard Fontana shared this.
2013-07-21T13:15:17Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Bradley M. Kuhn
Interesting for free software legal historians: #Perl 3.0 was at least initially distributed solely under GPLv1+. cc: @bkuhnMike Linksvayer likes this.
"-1 people shared this"Mike Linksvayer at 2013-07-21T19:06:28Z
Tyng-Ruey Chuang likes this.
@fontana I wonder if you receive this comment to @mlinksva's comment to you post: https://identi.ca/trc/comment/-3sGIzs2SLKY1csGU4u5Vw #CollaborativeDebuggingI see, in pump.io one can still address people by their handlers. Let me do this for once (CC: @trc).2013-07-09T01:27:30+00:00 via web To: Bradley M. Kuhn, Public
@bkuhn fyi I have confirmed that #TripAdvisor holds articles that mention word #bedbugs to request confirmation of accuracy from reporter2013-06-27T14:36:53+00:00 via web To: Public
When identi.ca is said to be converting to #pump.io sometime this week, is "week" meant in Biblical sense?Kevin Hawkins, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Genie Alliance, Genie Chamberlain and 3 others likes this.
CUENTA NO ACTIVA, Luis R. Rodriguez, Doug Whitfield Sports Account shared this.
Like a broken clock that is right twice a day, this statement will, by definition, come to pass. Eventually. Don't you like surprises ?Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2013-06-27T14:41:46+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Richard Fontana, Stav Prodromou likes this.
heh ♻ @fontana: When identi.ca is said to be converting to #pump.io sometime this week, is "week" meant in Biblical sense?Alexandre Oliva at 2013-06-27T23:13:06+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
@fontana next week, next week will be this week, tooAlexandre Oliva at 2013-06-27T23:13:15+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
Behold the power of macumba!Marcio B. Jr. at 2013-06-29T14:40:42+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Erkan Yılmaz likes this.
2013-06-27T14:34:31+00:00 via web To: Bradley M. Kuhn, Not a Troll, Public
P. J. McDermott likes this.
@fontana,I don't see that text in quotes,so you know it's not a direct quote. I don't recall saying 'space',though,during my phone interview2013-06-26T03:30:36+00:00 via web To: heehaw, Public
Got a #chromebook. !heehaw@fontana Does it need to be doused in Holy Water yet?Stephen Michael Kellat at 2013-06-26T03:44:04+00:00
Richard Fontana likes this.
2013-06-21T18:16:29+00:00 via web To: Bradley M. Kuhn, Richard Stallman Political Notes, The GNU General Public License, Public
@bkuhn Any direct documentation of @rms saying selling !GPL exceptions 'barely legitimate'? Cf. comments on mjg59's recent blog post.@fontana More "legitimate" than "barely" in this post: https://www.fsf.org/blogs/rms/selling-exceptions2013-06-20T03:42:16+00:00 via web To: Public
Bradley M. Kuhn shared by Richard Fontana at 2013-06-19T21:42:24+00:00 via web To: Public
@electronaut, I for, one, welcome our new #pump.io overlords. (Seriously, I like that @evan is trying a new codebase & working on it.)Jason Brooks, Gerard Ryan, Evan Prodromou, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 2 others likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Steven Rosenberg, Doug Whitfield Sports Account, Richard Fontana shared this.
@bkuhn agreed. My mustard love is due to accessibility.X11R5 shared by Richard Fontana at 2013-06-18T02:15:05+00:00 via web To: Public
@pehjota inget att tacka för (eh, not sure if that is the worst gangsta rap song of all that you made my day. Bravo @fontanaRichard Fontana shared this.
2013-06-16T22:40:51+00:00 via web To: Bradley M. Kuhn, Public
Compare Hong Kong extradition process http://ur1.ca/ecf7c to #Eclipse due diligence process http://ur1.ca/94jfw cc: @bkuhnDeceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. shared by Richard Fontana at 2013-06-16T15:31:16+00:00 via web To: Public
Next episode of #tinap will be 'sometime this year'. Just so you know.Stephen Michael Kellat, Lady J, Dvd Mrsdn likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, Richard Fontana, Dvd Mrsdn shared this.
@andyc you tease..X11R5 shared by Richard Fontana at 2013-06-16T03:58:33+00:00 via web To: Public
beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the flourish open source productivity gameX11R5, a(n) person, Greg Grossmeier, Tyng-Ruey Chuang and 1 others likes this.
a(n) person, Richard Fontana, Evan Prodromou shared this.