Pieter Colpaert pietercolpaert@identi.ca
Ghent, Belgium
I'm a student engineering and free culture enthusiast
Informaticienne libre / Free Computing Person odile@identi.ca
Paris, France
Liens vers des pages web incontournables / Only links to great stuff . Très peu de posts / Few posts. Abonnez-vous ! Subscribe!
Marco Castellani mcastel@identi.ca
Rome, Italy
astronomer, husband, catholic, father of four, music lower, writer. Born in Rome on November 1963
Dave Bonta morningporch@identi.ca
Plummer's Hollow, Pennsylvania
The view from my front porch first thing in the morning. davebonta.com.
José María Serralde joseserralde@identi.ca
Mexico City, Mexico
Concert pianist / cultural promoter / technology consultant. Free technology + Free culture + liberal arts advocate.
Jayson Fortune slurry@identi.ca
Chesapeake, United States
Former Slackware user, current PCLOS user. Lover of photography and sailing. Huge news junkie! Created an app to post top five tagtrends.
Valentin Villenave vvillenave@identi.ca
Paris, France
Free Software, Free culture, Geek, French, Musician & Author.