2013-01-02T03:24:41+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Terminal Velocity, a fast note-taking app for the UNIX terminal (Notational Velocity clone): http://seanh.github.com/terminal_velocityJon Tabor likes this.
!cli RD @seanh Terminal Velocity, a fast note-taking app for the UNIX terminal (Notational Velocity clone): http://ur1.ca/cdsh12012-08-29T12:57:34+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: a(n) person, Public
!git List commits on branch A but not on branch B, e.g. compare master to origin/master: git log master...origin/master Three dots!2012-08-29T19:08:55+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
PDF of Vladimir Propp story cards by http://rayuen.com and seanh, print and cut out: http://seanh.sdfeu.org/storymaps/2012-06-03T23:16:18+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Updated video of click-east: http://seanh.sdfeu.org/ (experimental iPad app for children with autism)2012-03-01T22:56:22+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
How to install PostgreSQL on an Ubuntu 10.04 Vagrant box https://gist.github.com/19533672011-12-29T14:32:33+00:00 To: Public
Just added SDF's IRC server to my Adium connections: go to File -> Add Account - > IRC, set hostname to irc.freeshell.o…2011-12-29T14:31:31+00:00 To: Public
Just succeeded in connecting to SDF Chatter using Adium http://ur1.ca/72frt on OS X. Create a StatusNet account, set se…2011-12-29T14:31:27+00:00 To: Public
Bloom (Jamie XX RMX) really sends chills down your spine #music http://widgets.beggarspromo.com/tik_final_009/2011-12-29T14:31:25+00:00 To: Public
Use SDF Chatter from Gwibber (the "social broadcast" client that ships with Ubuntu, http://ur1.ca/5nllt go to Edit -> A…2011-12-29T14:31:23+00:00 To: Public
Highlight-search the output of shell commands, the trick is to redirect both stdout and stdin: mycommand 2>&1 | less Th…2011-12-26T14:49:30+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Convert wav files to mp3 using lame and a simple #zsh for-loop: for f in foo/bar/**/*.wav; lame $fchr likes this.
2011-12-26T14:43:30+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
#zsh Recurse into subdirs with **, e.g. print names of wav files in a dir, recursing into subdirs: ls foo/bar/**/*.wav2011-11-23T09:36:03+00:00 To: Public
Bloom (Jamie XX RMX) really sends chills down your spine #music http://widgets.beggarspromo.com/tik_final_009/2011-05-28T18:16:36+00:00 in Old Town, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
Busy removing all the cool HTML5 stuff from http://blog.theforest.org.uk/ because it doesn't work in IE :|2011-05-04T11:49:52+00:00 in Newington, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
rsync laptop-laptop transfer at almost 20MB/s over firewire, sweet :)2011-05-03T22:50:44+00:00 in Newington, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
Had to transfer 6GB wirelessly between two macbooks. Tried Bluetooth, tried Cyberduck, rsync works best. Simple, reliable, resumable.2011-05-03T22:47:34+00:00 To: Public
Transfer files with rsync without using all your bandwidth by using the --bwlimit=KBPS option: rsync -avzhiP --bwlimit=200 SRC DEST2011-02-24T19:36:01+00:00 To: Public
Listening to http://somafm.com/missioncontrol/, ambient and experimental music mixed live mission audio from Space Shuttle Discovery2010-08-20T17:51:26+00:00 To: Public
To convert spaces to tabs in vim: `:retab!` #vim2010-08-08T10:46:51+00:00 To: chr, Public
@chr Thanks! Yes heard twitter is gonna require OAuth, a PITA for devs who don't want to do any work!