raspberrypiblog at 2012-07-03T09:30:08+00:00
!raspberrypi blog: Android Transporter and Raspberry Pi - http://ur1.ca/9prf8Nicolas Doualot likes this.
The Linux Foundation at 2012-06-26T17:21:49+00:00
Original: Beyond the Beagle: Seven Open Source Board Projects that Count bit.ly/Or1394Alexandro P., Nicolas Doualot likes this.
silner at 2012-03-04T21:57:01+00:00
!RaspberryPi, activist tool - Ars Technica http://ping.fm/zzAYtNicolas Doualot likes this.
alphazo at 2012-02-22T16:21:10+00:00
Finally got automatic random MAC http://is.gd/Zun8tI and hostname http://is.gd/nGKi84 when booting up. !archlinuxNicolas Doualot likes this.
Stéphane Bortzmeyer at 2012-02-20T22:32:38+00:00
Diminuer une attaque DoS avec Netfilter sur Linux http://ur1.ca/89zn2Nicolas Doualot likes this.
Damien Clauzel at 2011-12-11T17:01:28+00:00
Nicolas Doualot likes this.
Nicolas Doualot, Nicolas Doualot shared this.
Stéphane Bortzmeyer at 2011-12-01T22:05:09+00:00
Le bonheur des globes oculaires (IPv6 et IPv4) http://ur1.ca/6a2meNicolas Doualot, Vincent-Xavier JUMEL likes this.
silner at 2011-09-21T10:09:59+00:00
I'm not sure Y any1 expected !Android 2 B !FAIF friendly. !Google R just a company that use Open Source. They're not an !Opensource companyNicolas Doualot likes this.
Nandan at 2010-09-09T06:40:31+00:00
Iron Man using !kde http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/iron-man-using-kdeX11R5, Jure Repinc (JLP), Nicolas Doualot, Cyrille Berger likes this.
Jimmy Berry at 2010-08-04T20:10:49+00:00
!gnu is the boat !linux the sail !ubuntu is the young novice captain !kde the rudder and !gnome is the old rudder you threw awayX11R5, Nicolas Doualot, أنس أحمد likes this.
@boombatower I'd say Linux was the boat and gnu was the sail, but jolly good@boombatower I wouldn't advice throwing away rudders, they can be handy in a crisisbigbrovar at 2010-07-26T10:27:29+00:00
王斌, Nicolas Doualot, Cyber Killer likes this.
@bigbrovar Nicely done! Just the right amount of justice and privacy infringement :-Pbigbrovar at 2010-07-14T15:19:40+00:00
15 things you didn't know about The Simpsons http://i.imgur.com/UBCU2.jpgNicolas Doualot likes this.
Nicolas Doualot, Nicolas Doualot shared this.
José Oramas M. at 2009-12-31T15:14:26+00:00
Felix, Nicolas Doualot likes this.
Nick T. at 2009-12-01T19:35:35+00:00
lots of verbatim redents (ie. with no !tag changes or new content) in !KDE (and a couple in #linux) today. :( #spammy #groupfail. #noreplyNicolas Doualot likes this.
Nicolas Doualot at 2009-11-28T13:42:31+00:00
I had a dream, virtualization on smartphone, being able to run maemo and android (for spotify) at the same time on the N900 ... I'm crazy :DNicolas Doualot likes this.
nojhan at 2009-11-20T22:04:16+00:00
NCIS (série américaine) : « comme c'est une vidéo numérique, je vais pouvoir zoomer sur le visage du tueur », toujours pire dans l'erreur...Nicolas Doualot likes this.
Nicolas Doualot at 2009-11-15T17:12:10+00:00
If you like the idea, vote for my dropbox feature request : comment in shared folders from desktop client : http://is.gd/4VCSvNicolas Doualot likes this.
bigbrovar at 2009-10-28T07:05:09+00:00
♻ @bigbrovar: This is what a distro serious about !kde looks like http://is.gd/4FsjU ( looking at !ubuntu #canonical )Nicolas Doualot, a(n) person likes this.
Nick T. at 2009-09-04T18:01:17+00:00
What will happen to all the anti- !KDE 4 users who flee #Gnome 3 when #XFCE eventually does majorversion+1?Nicolas Doualot likes this.
@dhraakellian xfce1.0? only after hurd becomes stable...@dhraakellian You didn't notice the surge in Crunchbang popularity when Xfce4.6 came out?Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér at 2009-09-04T18:08:58+00:00