soloojos soloojos@identi.ca
Santiago, Chile
Disperso. XMPP: jorge@bakunin.nohost.me Sala XMPP Latinos: latinos@conf.jabberes.org Fediverso: https://social.bakunin.nohost.me/@jorge
Pier Jose Gotta Perez piegope@identi.ca
Madrid, España
I love the free software (software libre). Member of the Free Software Foundation of Colombia (http://fslcol.org)
normanvortex norman@datamost.com
albany new york 12189
Tom Tishken kd4wov@identi.ca
Grand Island, United States
Look for me, KD4WOV, on jabber.org, identi.ca, twitter, ex-friendfeed, foursquare, Freenode irc, facebook, google hangouts, and echolink (Node: KD4WOV-R). You can hear me over ham radio and if you hear me, give me a call. My background is electronic engineering, 2 way radio, computers, and technology. gab.com/kd4wov https://gettr.com/user/kd4wov https://twitter.com/kd4wov https://parler.com/#/user/kd4wov https://rightonly.net/kd4wov https://kd4wov.tumblr.com/ https://brighteon.social/@kd4wov Also on many mastodon as kd4wov, and twit.social.
Fernando Alférez González falferezg@datamost.com
Jalisco, México.
Apasionado del futbol, software y cultura libre, arte, ciencia y tecnología.
Valessio Brito valessiobrito@identi.ca
Jacobina, Brazil
Jacobinense, hacker, digital artist and activist for free knowledge. Graduated in Social Communication and Postgraduate in Free Software Development.
Marcel van der Boom mrb@status.qua.name
maker, software-engineer, metal-worker, outdoor, crypto, foss, toolnut, (kit-)car-enthusiast, dutch
Suso Comesaña susocomesanha@datamost.com
Tarragona, Arriondes, Vigo
Patón Crispado ToxID: susocomesanha@toxme.io Jabber: susocomesanha@suchat.org