Santiago Roland sroland@identi.ca
2015-11-14T16:00:51Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
Op-ed: (How) did they break Diffie-Hellman?
Op-ed: (How) did they break Diffie-Hellman?Relax—it's not true that researchers have broken the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol.
20 Nov, 30 Anniversary of Windows
2015-11-14T02:58:10Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
#windows20 Nov, 30 Anniversary of Windows
2015-11-14T02:52:38Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
Colateral Damage
2015-11-14T02:49:30Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
2015-11-14T02:27:26Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
Sightings of the Virgin Mary have been reported around the world for centuries. See them on this map:
500 Years of Virgin Mary Sightings in One MapApparitions of the Virgin Mary, inspiring wonder and devotion among millions, have been tracked for centuries.
2015-11-13T17:14:45Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
2015-11-13T01:07:34Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
"A Very Big Mistake": Economist Joseph Stiglitz Slams @BarackObama for Pushing the TPP
"A Very Big Mistake": Joseph Stiglitz Slams Obama for Pushing the TPPAs Congress debates the Trans-Pacific Partnership, we speak to Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz about the trade deal. "The irony is that the president came out and said, 'This is about who makes the trade rules—China or the United States?'" Stiglitz said. "But I think the big issue is, this is about who makes the rules of trade—the American people, our democratic process, or the corporations? And who they’re made for, which is, for the corporations or for all of us?"
2015-11-12T14:22:12Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
Love Firefox? Now you can get it for your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch: https://itunes.apple.com/app/apple-store/id989804926?mt=8I.
Firefox web browser on the App StoreRead reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Firefox web browser. Download Firefox web browser and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
2015-11-12T05:17:49Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
World Giving Index 2014 | CAFThe World Giving Index lnfographic gives an overview of the top giving countries and some interesting facts about giving in 2014.
2015-11-12T05:02:41Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
Tor director: FBI paid Carnegie Mellon $1M to break Tor, hand over IPs http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/11/tor-director-fbi-paid-carnegie-mellon-1m-to-break-tor-hand-over-ips/ by @cfarivar
Tor director: FBI paid Carnegie Mellon $1M to break Tor, hand over IPsFeds may have obtained Tor IP addresses with no warrant during Silk Road 2 case.
2015-10-31T23:10:56Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
2015-10-31T18:33:23Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
2015-10-29T04:37:56Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
Objeto desconocido caerá en la Tierra el 13 de noviembre
Objeto desconocido caerá en la Tierra el 13 de noviembre - Diario La RepúblicaEl objeto, identificado como WT1190F y que mide un par de metros de diámetro, fue descubierto en 2013 y ha estado orbitando la Tierra, según la Agencia Europea Espacial.
2015-10-28T10:18:14Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
#CISA gives companies legal immunity for violating privacy laws if they also give your data to the government. Call Congress, #StopCISA.
2015-10-28T10:02:10Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
10/11: Panel sobre reforma del derecho de autor. Con invitados del Estado, organizaciones sociales y estudiantiles
Panel sobre Reforma del Derecho de Autor | Semana de la Música Libre 20152015-10-28T10:02:05Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
10/11: Panel sobre reforma del derecho de autor. Con invitados del Estado, organizaciones sociales y estudiantiles
Panel sobre Reforma del Derecho de Autor | Semana de la Música Libre 20152015-10-28T10:01:43Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
#CISA gives companies legal immunity for violating privacy laws if they also give your data to the government. Call Congress, #StopCISA.
2015-10-28T10:01:38Z via friendica.undernet.club To: Public
10/11: Panel sobre reforma del derecho de autor. Con invitados del Estado, organizaciones sociales y estudiantiles
Panel sobre Reforma del Derecho de Autor | Semana de la Música Libre 2015