Vasudev Kamath at 2012-07-05T03:50:45+00:00
I always wanted to use identi.ca instead of twitter but only if I could pull down tweets from there to identi.ca. Is it possible laconicats?Sydney Voice likes this.
two way #twitterbridge is possible, but not enabled on identica. other statusnet instances often doZlewozmywak.PL at 2012-07-05T05:54:17+00:00
buy something from Skype and it will dissapear...lol :DSydney Voice likes this.
Funny thing, I just spent $20 with !Skype a couple of weeks ago. Maybe that's why they are spamming me "BUY MORE!!!" hahahaStav Prodromou at 2012-07-06T15:51:54+00:00
Zlewozmywak.PL likes this.