Taha taha@identi.ca

Ouargla, Algeria

"I use twitter i'm smart, i've an apple product i'm G££K": Poor people say all the time.


  • clacke@libranet.de ❌ clacke@datamost.com

    Sweden or Hong Kong

    Saving the world by solving first-world problems. My main is at https://libranet.de/profile/clacke .

  • أنس أحمد anassahmed@identi.ca

    Giza, Egypt

    Muslim, Egyptian, Azharic Student, GNU/Linux User, Python Programmer.

  • James Michael DuPont h4ck3rm1k3@identi.ca

    Hopewell, NJ

  • Pookito Pookito@pumpit.info


    I just want to learn how to code. :)

  • Lydie lydief@identi.ca

    Seine et Marne

    Professeur des écoles - Académie de Créteil

  • Guido Arnold guido@identi.ca

    Bad Vilbel, Germany

    Free Software enthusiast. Particularly interested in: Free Software in education, Free Knowledge and Free Culture. I don't really use this account anymore. You'll find me more active on Diaspora: https://pod.geraspora.de/u/ga

  • Kate J Davis eutouring@identi.ca

    Clacton-on-Sea, United Kingdom

    http://www.eutouring.com Kate Davis - European traveller and author of travel to guides to Paris holidays for a holiday in Paris.

  • James h jackson jr jameshjacksonjr@identi.ca

    Rhode Island United States

    Fan and supporter of #opensource devices and services and also into pureOS linux on my purism librem 15 laptop and backed the purism librem 5 phone coming out!!!

  • Pookito littlet@identi.ca

    Cordaville, United States

    I love Jesus. Living in Ma, US. SDA. Trying to be a vegan everyday. Love Open Source software, Linux too. :D

  • Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) clacke@microca.st

    Hong Kong

    Linux native since 1995. Working in Ruby, shell scripts, whatever gets the page up. Solving yesterday's problems tomorrow.

  • lupyxe lupyxe@identi.ca

    OpenBSD sysadmin & discloser. Writer (mostly cyberpunk & dystopia). Aspie. Autodidact. Humble. Philanthropist. Follow me at your own risk.

  • Habib M'henni habibmhenni@identi.ca

    Sayada, Tunisia

    I'm a civil engineer, teacher and I fight for revolution for freedom and open source :-) about.me/habibmhenni

  • Gatitac gatitac@identi.ca

    Westfilderstadt, Germany

    Compte inactif, RDV sur https://www.belfalas.org/gatitac/ :-)

  • Samuel Schmid weltenschmid@identi.ca

    Plaun dils Matts, Switzerland

    The aim of the game is to feel good. Get LED Grow Panel at http://www.led-laempli.ch

  • michelenlared michelenlared@identi.ca

    Gūshdūn, Iran

    / Open Source / backgammon - tennis player / User Android - HTC - / gnu/linux # 498226 - Linux machine # 409830 /

  • mack siaberwoki@identi.ca

    Darmstadt , Germany

    <*)))>< stay out of the milk ><(((*>

  • iZ zahra@identi.ca

    Umm Jidr, Bahrain

  • David Lopes Ferreira weedfast@identi.ca

    Saint-Georges-la-Pouge, France

    Un libriste parmi tant d'autres ! Sous GNU/Linux depuis fin 2005 ^^

  • Mohan Ram mpr@identi.ca

    Columbia, United States

    Huge fan of software that works and does what it suppose to do. Lazy, unproductive and likes to annoy people.

  • Zied ABID ziedabid@identi.ca
