2012-09-05T07:21:49+00:00 in Germany To: Slackware Linux, Public
George Vlahavas shared by Thorsten at 2012-02-10T12:41:18+00:00 To: Public
George Vlahavas shared by Thorsten at 2012-02-10T12:41:18+00:00 via web To: Public
2011-08-09T20:06:09+00:00 in Germany To: Amarok, Public
How do I use the remote NFS collections in !Amarok?2011-07-21T22:42:39+00:00 in Germany To: George Vlahavas, Public
2011-07-17T12:28:48+00:00 in Germany To: Luigi Trovato, Public
2011-06-23T11:33:28+00:00 in Germany To: Salix OS, Public
2011-06-22T18:50:09+00:00 in Germany To: Public
@omns Try one of these http://salixer.dyndns.org/download/ Probably buggy though ;-)2011-06-19T01:44:31+00:00 in Germany To: Public
2011-06-15T21:11:37+00:00 in Germany To: George Vlahavas, Salix OS, Public
2011-06-15T14:50:06+00:00 in Germany To: Salix OS, Public
Testing #Crunchbang to get some ideas for an Openbox based !Salix :-)2011-05-12T13:36:33+00:00 in Germany To: Slackware Linux, Salix OS, Public
joelle nebbe likes this.
Gustavo Brondani Schenkel, Gustavo Brondani Schenkel, gnusay, gnusay shared this.
2010-10-06T18:47:47+00:00 in Germany To: Salix OS, Public
Join our !Salix !Lastfm group: http://2tu.us/16sg :-)2010-10-05T10:43:15+00:00 in Germany To: Amarok, Public
Is there any Qt/KDE mixer app, that can be used as alternative to KMix? !KDE !Amarok !Linux2010-08-23T18:57:52+00:00 in Germany To: Slackware Linux, Salix OS, Public
@thenktor Wondering about the #Lxde version of !Salix - is there an intention to go over to that, or is it just an additional version?Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér at 2010-08-23T19:05:11+00:00
2010-07-17T14:53:15+00:00 in Germany To: Amarok, Public
I'm looking for a !mpd client with !amarok like UI (collection search!)...2010-06-21T21:54:46+00:00 in Germany To: Hercules Koroneos, George Vlahavas, Public
2010-06-17T05:39:21+00:00 in Germany To: Gustavo Brondani Schenkel, Public
♻ @gbschenkel: ARMedslack 13.1 Released - #Slackware #ARM is the official port of the Slackware® #Linux distribution to the ARM architecture2010-05-14T11:28:24+00:00 in Germany To: Amarok, Public