TICs em Educação

TICs em Educação at

Clicking "like" on endless streams of memes that reduce all the complexities of life to simple soundbites. Your online world is one of banality and conformity. You don't dare try and intelligently discuss what you think or feel or believe. Creativity is gone, replaced by an endless stream of regurgitated mush. Your opinions are not your own - but belong to others. Your own opinions can't be seen by others. Can't be judged by others. Can't be used against you. They have been subdued to keep you safe.

You, my friend - are a prisoner of the mind.

Luckily there are a few people still on the outside willing to guide you and show you how we've adapted and re-invented the modern web and managed to create what we believe is a better world. You can still be free, but we can't unlock the doors and let you taste that freedom, because we don't have the key. You do.

When you're ready, the free web is here for you.