Tyng-Ruey Chuang

Tyng-Ruey Chuang at


當代事件之記憶:318 公民運動文物紀錄典藏庫之建立



在西元(以下同)2014 年 3 月 18 日的晚間,學生與社運人士們突擊並佔領了台灣立法院的議場。這個事件引爆整起 318 公民運動(太陽花公民運動),昭示了一個台灣歷史的轉捩點。中央研究院的研究員們在抗爭行動和平落幕之前,設法取得了議場內的所有支援物件與檔案材料。在這篇短文,我們討論了將當代事件中由數千名參與者創造的大量文物予以典藏,並向公眾開放的相關議題。本文將展示一項設計來鼓勵參與者在典藏庫指認其所有物件的系統。也說明一項可親近的典藏目錄系統,如何能夠幫助大眾述說自己的故事,而能集體強化公眾對此公民運動的記憶。(本文翻譯自第一作者發表於 2017 年數位人文國際會議的英文論文摘要,但新增後記一節。本文以「創用CC 姓名標示 4.0」 (CC BY 4.0) 授權條款釋出。)

關鍵字: 318公民運動、中央研究院、數位典藏、原生數位、創用CC授權。

Remembrance of Contemporary Events: On Setting Up The Sunflower Movement Archive

Tyng-Ruey Chuang and Yuan-Chih Tseng


In the late evening of March 18, 2014, students and activists stormed into and occupied the main chamber of Taiwan's Legislature. The event set off the Sunflower Movement, signifying a turning point in Taiwan's history. Researchers at Academia Sinica arranged to acquire all the supporting artifacts and documentary materials in the chamber before the protest came to a peaceful end. In this paper, we discuss the issues in archiving and making available to the public a large collection of artifacts created by thousands of participants in a contemporary event. We demonstrate systems designed to encourage people to identify items of their own in the archive. We show how an accessible catalog to the archive can help people tell their stories hence collectively may strengthen the public's recollections about the movement. (This is a Chinese translation of an English paper abstract presented by the first author at the Digital Humanities 2017 international conference. The addendum section is new. This paper is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.)

Keywords:318 Civil Movement, Academia Sinica, Digital Archive, Born-digital, Creative Commons Licenses.

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