"Stronger Together?" https://monthlyreview.org/2017/10/01/stronger-together/
Bernard Marszalek, founding member of the Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives, reviews three recent books on cooperatives.
Charles Stanhope, Mike Linksvayer likes this.
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Great article. Much of it, especially about politics toward the end, also applies to free software, even though its production is rarely organized in the form of worker cooperatives.

The review gives me a lot to think about. I like that the reviewer emphasizes collective management over collective ownership, and I think this is especially so for public goods e.g. free software. Software Freedom Conservancy as such is admired for being the Network of Global Area Software Cooperatives.
Tyng-Ruey Chuang at 2018-02-26T11:08:52Z
Mike Linksvayer likes this.