Tyng-Ruey Chuang

2016 Workshop on Collaborative Data Projects

Tyng-Ruey Chuang at

2016 Workshop on Collaborative Data Projects
2016 資料協作專案工作坊

Time: 2016-12-08, 1:30 pm -- 5:00 pm
Venue: Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Website: http://odw.tw/2016/


In the process of conducting research, data is acquired, accumulated, analyzed, reused, distributed, and often preserved. As research works are increasingly collaborative, communal generation of and access to research data is becoming an everyday practice. Research data can be sourced from individuals (as in citizen science projects), taken from the public domain (e.g. ancient manuscripts and maps), contributed by research peers and communities, generated by remote sensors, or derived and combined from various data sources and repositories. For "collaborative data projects" we refer to projects in which the collaborative production and management of data is a central component. As these data projects often face new – but exciting! – managerial, technical, economic, and legal challenges, they may need to reconfigure conventional arrangements to explore options that can lead to successful and sustainable collaborations. Project Gutenberg, OpenStreetMap, and Encyclopedia of Life, among many others, nevertheless exemplify that data in support of knowledge and research can be collaboratively produced, expertly curated, and freely shared. The purpose of this workshop is to call on the attention of the wider research community to share best practices in collaborative data projects, to discuss common issues, and to propose directions for actions.


研究工作需要資料。資料被累積、分析使用、再次散布,也通常會被保存下來。因為研究工作常是協力進行,研究資料的群力生產與取用也逐漸成為日常實務。研究資料可以來自眾人(如公民科學計畫)、取自公眾領域(如古文獻老地圖)、由研究同儕群體提供、產自遠端的感測裝置,或是取材自各式資料來源及資料藏庫,衍生合成。「資料協作專案」意指專案計畫的中心部份包含了資料的協同生產與管理。這些資料專案通常面臨在管理、技術、經濟、法律各方面(非常刺激)的新挑戰,也常要思考如何在既有限制之下,尋求新的解決方案,以求協作能夠成功與永續。不過 Project Gutenberg, OpenStreetMap, Encyclopedia of Life 等許多資料協作專案卻也證實:用以支撐知識與研究的資料,是可用協作的方式產出,能以專業的方式收錄展示,並可被自由的享用。舉行此工作坊,希望能引發廣泛研究社群的注意,分享資料協作的實務方法,討論共同面對的議題,並一起提出行動的方向。


1:30 pm - 1:50 pm Registration

1:50 pm - 2:00 pm Opening Remark

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Session 1

Te-En Lin 林德恩 -- Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
Social Media and Public Engagement: On Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network (TaiRON)

Yu-Huang Wang 王豫煌 -- Academia Sinica
Developing a General Framework/Platform for Annotating/Archiving Crowdsourced Multimedia/Knowledge of Biodiversity/Ecology/Environment: Phytophilo Community as an Example

Ling-Jyh Chen 陳伶志 -- Academia Sinica
LASS: A Participatory Ecosystem for PM2.5 Monitoring

Tyng-Ruey Chuang 莊庭瑞 -- Academia Sinica
Orphan Works and Collective Memories: On Setting Up The Sunflower Movement Archive

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Break

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Session 2

Ruoh-Rong Yu 于若蓉 -- Academia Sinica
Sharing of Survey Data in Taiwan

Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay -- CNRS
Licensing Policies for Collaborative Data Production and Reuse

Chun-Nan Hsu 許鈞南 -- UC San Diego
Assessing Value of Biomedical Digital Repositories

Mike Linksvayer -- Independent Scholar
Citizen Science and Collaborative Data Crosswalks

4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Discussion

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This workshop is organized and supported in part by The Institute of Information Science, The Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, and Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

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