Tyng-Ruey Chuang

Tyng-Ruey Chuang at


關於 playaround 工作坊 2018 – 後科幻

『2018 年是 playaround workshop (PA) 的十週年,自 2008 年起 PA 以自由、開放與分享的 Floss Art 精神,於台灣進行各種科技藝術等實驗性跨域的創造工作坊,歷經了不同有趣的主題、講師、助教與學員們,工作坊刺激鼓舞了許多年輕的創作者,十年過去,曾經參與過 PA 的朋友們,如今在不同領域皆有傑出成就,十週年的系列活動,希望除了保有傳承 PA 的核心精神,繼續分享更多的創作知識、經驗外,同時開創實驗PA的可能性。

2018 年 PA 的主題為後科幻 (post science fiction),現今人們生活在科幻與奇想,科學與工程、藝術與消費的混屯模糊界線間,過去的科幻可能是今日的生活,也有可能是無法實現的癡心夢想。面對機械人與人工智慧發展衝擊的恐懼與喜悅,比特幣暴發心態與與區塊鏈去中心化的信仰,大數據衍生出隱私棄守與生活便利的矛盾,VR 與 AR 的虛擬幻境比真實環境更迷人,與自然力量玩遊戲的基因編輯器,托拉斯客製少量機作依然比創意手作更吸引消費,科技藝術、新媒體藝術的創作被擠壓在的狹小裂縫鏡中,科幻之後,我們能思考、創造、對抗與留下的還剩下多少?人類是否真的無法以自身的位置征服所有的未知?

2018 playaround workshop 系列活動,包含六場精采短講、八場工作坊課程與共創、「科技藝術實驗創新及輔導推動計畫」的輔助團隊成果分享,以及實驗聲響演出與十週年派對。』

About playaround workshop 2018 – Post Science Fiction

"This year 2018 marks the tenth anniversary of Playaround Workshop (PA). Launched in 2008 in the spirit of Floss Art for freedom, openness and sharing, PA has held various technology art and experimentational cross-field creative workshops in Taiwan. The workshops covered many themes and were conducted by lecturers, teaching assistants and saw huge turnout of participants, inspiring many aspiring young creators. Ten years later today, the alumni PA have made it in their respective fields. In keeping with PA’s core values, the ten year anniversary this year will also share more creative knowledge and experience and explore the possibility of pioneering experimental PA.

The theme of the 2018 PA is post science fiction. People now live in a world where the lines are blurred between science fiction and fantasies, science and construction,and art and consumption. Some things that used to be science fiction has the reality, while others are still wishful dreams. There is the fear and joy of what robotic and AI development could bring; Bitcoin’s instant-millionaire mindset; blockchain’s decentralization; big data as a double-edged sword in forgoing privacy and convenience; VR and AR being more attractive than the reality; genetic editing playing games with the forces of nature; mass customisation being more popular with the consumers; and technology art and new creative media art being squeezed into tiny hidden cameras. With all that going on in the post science fiction world, what else is left in our thinking, creating, retaliating, and preserving the past? Are humans really incapable of conquering the unknown from where they stand?

The 2018 Playaround Workshop consists of a series of events, including six inspiring short talks, eight workshops and Do-It-With-Others activities, a 'Technology Art Experiment Innovation and Guidance Program' team sharing event, an experimental sound performance and a party to celebrate the tenth anniversary."