Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir@identi.ca
2013-03-06T11:46:13+00:00 To: Public
מיר של אובונטו: לא רע בתור תוכנית "שלום עולם": http://ur1.ca/czjh52012-11-18T16:22:29+00:00 To: Public
#IDF finally provides all of its Flickr images as !CC-By-SA. More pictures for !Wikipedia.2012-11-13T16:05:12+00:00 To: Public
http://ur1.ca/awg7m - "מה שנקרא מקור פתוח"2012-09-27T17:15:53+00:00 To: Public
2012-07-12T08:14:36+00:00 To: Ira, Public
@ia42, מה קרה לאתר http://planet.skeptic.org.il ולאתר שלך?2012-06-04T14:16:25+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
2011-08-08T10:40:36+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
dahdi-linux-extra updated for DAHDI-linux 2.5 (branch extra-2.5) - !asterisk2011-06-20T17:53:07+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
2011-05-31T08:18:59+00:00 To: Public
Octasic OCT612x 1.04.06 (GPL) Linux drivers at http://gitorious.org/oct612x2011-04-25T21:11:12+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
!asterisk 1.8 finally uploaded to !Debian. Was delayed also due to AST-2011-005. But it's finnaly there (in New, though)Norman Garcia, Norman Garcia shared this.
2011-04-13T09:45:44+00:00 To: Public
Octasic OCT612x 1.04.05 (GPL) Linux drivers at http://gitorious.org/oct612x2011-01-17T12:29:20+00:00 To: Yngve Inntjore Levin, Public
@eothred: close. debcheckout packagename2010-12-06T11:37:02+00:00 To: Hezy Amiel, a(n) person, Public
@hezy, That's nice, though it's sad to see that this requires using Hok Hahesderim (חוק ההסדרים) !israel@tzafrir I agree.2010-09-16T10:54:43+00:00 To: James Bernard, a(n) person, Public
2010-08-08T17:11:04+00:00 To: Michał Andrzej Woźniak, a(n) person, Public
2010-08-02T11:05:25+00:00 To: Duck Duck Go, Public
problems with @duckduckgo ? Anybody else getting a redirection to opendns?2010-07-21T13:35:22+00:00 To: x1101, a(n) person, Public
2010-07-12T10:36:03+00:00 To: Public
ב2010-06-26T22:28:37+00:00 To: Michał Andrzej Woźniak, a(n) person, Public
@rysiek: !debian: Do you want to default to an inferior search engine? Or will users think Konqueror is better because it uses google?2010-06-26T22:27:26+00:00 To: Michał Andrzej Woźniak, a(n) person, Public
@rysiek: !debian: disclaimer: I personally use http://duckduckgo.com/ . Partially because "Google is too big"