Ubiquit ubiquit@identi.ca
Aldeburgh, United Kingdom
I think I'm so clever and classless and free.
FLOSS for Science floss4science@identi.ca
Free/libre open source software in scientific computing
Dimitris Papageorgiou lopbox@identi.ca
Thessaloniki, Greece
Professional Computer & Network Technician, Ubuntu Linux addict, Tech news blogger http://lopbox.tumblr.com http://facebook.com/lopbox
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) w3c@identi.ca
The World Wide Web Consortium develops interoperable technologies (specs, guidelines, software, tools) to lead the Web to its full potential
GTK+ and friends gtktoolkit@identi.ca
RatholeRadio.org ratholeradio@identi.ca
Rathole Radio is a fortnightly show about new music, free culture, politics, humour and more.
Fedora Project fedora@identi.ca
This is the official feed for the Fedora Project, a global free software community sponsored by Red Hat.
Free Software Foundation Europe fsfe@identi.ca
Brussels, Europe
non-profit organisation working on freedoms to use, study, share and improve software as critical for equal participation in the information age.
La Quadrature du Net laquadrature@identi.ca
Internet & Libertés – Defending citizen rights and freedoms, fighting Internet control and the war on sharing, protecting the free Internet.
Michał Masłowski mtjm@identi.ca
Free software user and programmer, also a student of computer science.
Defective by Design dbd@identi.ca
Boston, United States
A participatory campaign exposing DRM-encumbered devices and media for what they really are: Defective by Design.
opensource.com opensourceway@identi.ca
Michał Andrzej Woźniak rysiek@identi.ca
Warsaw, Poland
Hacktivist, @fwioo President, formerly Philosophy@Warsaw Uni student, @bramalab CTO, sailor, biker.