Ubiquit ubiquit@identi.ca
Aldeburgh, United Kingdom
I think I'm so clever and classless and free.
Ubiquit at 2012-07-05T20:09:14+00:00
“Debian aims for FSF endorsement” — http://ur1.ca/9qcoyUbiquit, Joshua Gay likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez at 2012-04-25T13:20:31+00:00
hummm… http://ur1.ca/93bzo makes the statement: "Think Different", sound like gibberish babbled by an #LSD user http://bit.ly/LSteveDUbiquit likes this.
@metztli is it bad to be an lsd user?pump.io sucks at 2012-02-18T14:35:29+00:00
www.rzr.online.fr, Ubiquit likes this.
Comunidad GNU Linux, Comunidad GNU Linux, Bernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer and 4 others shared this.
Michał Andrzej Woźniak at 2012-01-26T19:46:06+00:00
MEANWHILE IN POLISH PARLIAMENT: http://ur1.ca/7tlm0 !ACTA /this is NOT a fake!!Hugh Barnes, Ubiquit, a(n) person likes this.
Isabelle Vodjdani, Isabelle Vodjdani, Valentin Villenave, Valentin Villenave and 2 others shared this.
And here is the Polish Parliamentary Anons picture on a mainstream media site: ur1.ca/7tmbg !ACTA !copyfraudFree Software Foundation at 2012-01-26T18:56:19+00:00
Eyes on #SOPA, #ACTA creeps in under the radar. #StopACTA in Europe! fsf.org/blogs/community/stop-acta-in-europe !fsf !gnu !fsfea(n) person, Marcio B. Jr., donald robertson III, Ubiquit and 1 others likes this.
Dimi Piraat, Dimi Piraat, Bjoern Trimborn, Bjoern Trimborn and 14 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-10-17T19:44:01+00:00
a(n) person, Jonathan Nadeau, Bruce Cowan, jidm and 8 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Jonathan Nadeau, Jonathan Nadeau and 10 others shared this.
Richard Stallman Political Notes at 2011-09-01T15:46:06+00:00
Google+ http://ur1.ca/4zzscHilton Garcia Fernandes, Ubiquit, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Thomas L., Thomas L., Wilderman Ceren, Wilderman Ceren and 2 others shared this.
I'm not typically a fan of #Doctorow, but this article about #GooglePlus & identity is worth reading: ♻ @rms: Google+ http://ur1.ca/4zzscBradley M. Kuhn at 2011-09-01T15:54:07+00:00
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-04-04T21:03:57+00:00
Internet user arrested for linking to other websites -- http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/mccarthy !fsf !gnu !lpMarcio B. Jr., a(n) person, Dr. Matt Lee, John Sullivan and 3 others likes this.
mtux, mtux, Eibriel Inv, Eibriel Inv and 18 others shared this.
RT/RD @fsf Internet user arrested for linking to other websites -- http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/mccarthy♻ @fsf: Internet user arrested for linking to other websites -- http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/mccarthylaurelrusswurm at 2011-03-14T20:16:44+00:00
Microsoft is making IE9 available today; please upgrade by clicking here: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/ @tnorthcutt !remix !fsfCarlos Solís, Osama Khalid, a(n) person, Kete Foy and 6 others likes this.
gnusay, gnusay, Carlos Solís, Carlos Solís and 30 others shared this.
micuintus at 2011-03-08T18:47:09+00:00
Why political !liberty depends on !software !freedom more than ever is.gd/EqaEk2 !politics !FS !FLOSS !FOSS !GNU !Linux !netzp !CCC !PPDmicuintus, Jeff Frederick, Ubiquit likes this.
René Mérou, René Mérou shared this.
Ubiquit at 2011-02-28T16:14:02+00:00
Ubiquit likes this.
@ubiquit why so ?@ubiquit www.getgnulinux.org is NOT owned by Ubuntu. !GNU !Linux — It's just redirecting there for the time being.Thomas Jollans at 2011-02-28T16:31:06+00:00
James Tait likes this.
@ubiquit Nobody had the time, resources, and interest to continue running the site. Olivier kept the domains to ward off squatters.@ubiquit Would be much better if it redirected to http://distrowatch.com :)Daniel Koć at 2011-02-27T21:50:20+00:00
#Usta "CDQ" - teledysk do utworu z !Jamendo (http://www.jamendo.com/track/184616) gotowy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6bRTBCKuTg #musicUbiquit likes this.
Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer shared this.
Ubiquit at 2011-02-24T23:21:32+00:00
!PCBSD 8.2 Released! http://ur1.ca/3bwbpUbiquit at 2011-02-04T13:23:53+00:00
Ubiquit likes this.
Creative Commons at 2011-01-24T21:28:46+00:00
Music lovers, check out Peppermill Records' "2999" project for a fantastic selection CC-licensed tunes: http://bit.ly/9Wv5MTUbiquit, Cédric Heintz likes this.
Cédric Heintz, Cédric Heintz shared this.
Bradley M. Kuhn at 2011-01-23T17:52:56+00:00
@fontana, I think only #Apple's proprietary software is opiate of the masses. #Microsoft's is probably more like crystal meth of the masses.Bruce Cowan, deitarion, Ubiquit, Keith Z-G and 2 others likes this.
Jon A. Cruz, Jon A. Cruz, Brooke Vibber, Brooke Vibber shared this.
Borys Musielak at 2011-01-23T17:19:16+00:00
OK now it's official - @filmaster unveils open movie recommendation API: http://ur1.ca/2znly - fully documented, with code samples!Ubiquit, Róża, Borys Musielak likes this.
Christina Haralanova at 2011-01-24T13:45:54+00:00
"#Facebook is like prison - sitting, wasting time, writing on walls and being poked by people you don'k even know." (via @turin) !q !qtdpraveenp, Osama Khalid, Christina Haralanova, Steve Forde and 4 others likes this.
Steve, Steve, Rafael Bonifaz, Rafael Bonifaz and 14 others shared this.
#Facebook es como la cárcel: sentado, perdiendo el tiempo, escribiendo en los muros y gente asomándose que ni siquiera conoces (via @ludost)Geekgoló at 2011-01-26T15:49:36+00:00
Christina Haralanova, michelenlared likes this.
@ludost Difference btw Facebook & Prison: Facebook is self inflicted, Prison is not #nochoice #freeBradley #freeByronUbiquit at 2011-01-16T21:14:39+00:00
Top 40 best free legal !movies you can download right now http://ur1.ca/2v32gUbiquit likes this.
silner at 2011-01-16T15:29:20+00:00
Ubiquit likes this.
Patrick Niedzielski, Patrick Niedzielski shared this.