Unhosted unhosted@identi.ca

Non-profit movement to liberate people through separation of web apps from data storage.


  • soloojos soloojos@identi.ca

    Santiago, Chile

    Disperso. XMPP: jorge@bakunin.nohost.me Sala XMPP Latinos: latinos@conf.jabberes.org Fediverso: https://social.bakunin.nohost.me/@jorge

  • clacke@libranet.de ❌ clacke@datamost.com

    Sweden or Hong Kong

    Saving the world by solving first-world problems. My main is at https://libranet.de/profile/clacke .

  • Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen mikini@identi.ca

    Father, thinker, minimalist, global soul, word mingler, free culture and FOSS proponent, paraglider, marathoner, software developer.

  • abidin abidin@fmrl.me


    i love and support free software

  • ktorn ktorn@pumpity.net

  • Michael michaelmd@identi.ca

    Sydney, Australia


  • Jessica Tallon tsyesika@io.tsyesika.se

    Stockholm, Sverige

    Free software developer

  • TripleYD TripleYD@hotpump.net

  • pipolandi pipolandi@pumpity.net

  • Lydie lydief@identi.ca

    Seine et Marne

    Professeur des écoles - Académie de Créteil

  • rfnash rfnash@hotpump.net

  • netachepas netachepas@pumpity.net

  • Kyosuke kyosuke@pumpbuddy.us


    {inserte biografia aqui}

  • Arcee arcee@urmf.net


    Some help: https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/Who-to-follow,-most-shared,-most-liked...-(informal-stats) http://polari.us/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gettingstartedwithpumpio

  • Benjamin Cook BenCook@microca.st


    Free Software Enthusiast, OpenStreetMap contributor, Political Technologist PGP Fingerprint: 834B CB28 C8FD 3BBE DB48 4B7A 7D17 6EE2 2D69 B366

  • George Ellenburg gellenburg@identi.ca

    Marietta, United States

    I'm a geek who lives in NW Atlanta and works downtown. I'm into Macs, technology, and my dogs. I treasure privacy and liberty.

  • philslade philslade@pumpity.net

    in West Sussex, UK.

    I work as a gardener. Keen on Transition Towns - http://www.transitionnetwork.org/ Not techy so running a Puppy Linux ( http://puppylinux.org/main/Overview and Getting Started.htm ) live cd on an old XP box

  • scitesy scitesy@hotpump.net

  • Jan H Wildeboer jwildeboer@pumpit.info

    Munich, Germany

    Open Source Evangelist.Open Standards Fundamentalist.Software Patents worst nightmare.Decentralizing whatever exists.Citizen of the first Transnational Republic GPG Key Fingerprint: 1222 D871 BC4D AF82 D55C 46E7 4D83 56FE 59E0 22A

  • alex-l alex-l@urmf.net

    Lecce, Italy

    I am a supporter of Free Software, Open Data, copyleft and liquid democracy. I usually use Debian and Arch. I am a lover of Plasma and other KDE software. In particular I love project like Kubuntu, Chakra and Netrunner-OS. I love music, especially classical music, rock, metal, jazz and blues. I am currently studying to become an engineer of music and sound. I'm vegan and I collaborate with other activists to promote an ethical and sustainable consumption and in general for the rights of people and animals. I speak Italian and English. I'm trying to learn Esperanto.