2020-11-07T12:58:21Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
need an updated browser but nothing seems to safely and easily installable ... any suggestions
preferably a TOTALLY non-root insrall and no mysterious auto updates or anything messing with system libaries
(totally non-root should help avoid the latter but having trouble finding anything that compile, install or work in any way without needing root or a package manager running as root/admin/control messing with system libraries)
surely there must be something half-decent out there?
btw if anyone suggests a windows app it MUST work in wine (and of course non-root - including any install steps), .. I'm not going to risk using windows online,
I must be in charge on my machine, not some unkown/untrusted remote management system! .. I'd rather pull the plug altogether than live under such a regime
I can't get back to even fixing my own site until I have a browser I can actually trust.
until I find a decent solution its either old browsers or live distros only (to minimise the harm if anything goes wrong)
the browser cartel blew away any trust I had in them a few years ago... and I don't see even the smallest sign of any of them trying to earn it back.
2020-08-12T12:56:00Z via spraci.info To: Public
Re: Friedica instance.
looks like pms and connecting to contacts not working properly .. possibly too much changed on the network? (or maybe it could be db corruption due to the hard drive being full so many times?)
I might have to delete everything and start a new updated intance from scratch
I might try to export my contacts and see if that works.
There is probably not much I can do about other users losing their data.
but given that lately its been down more than up due to the hd filling up all the time there probably isn't much to lose now.
I'm not sure where to go with the site in general in these strange times.
the focus here was on events and bringing people together and these days there isn't much out there to to go to and nothing online can really fill that void.
let alone the ongoing issues re trust in browser upstreams.
how are others coping with that mess?
I can't live with it - but still waiting till I can see a way forward.2020-08-12T10:42:50Z via spraci.info To: Public
Re: Friedica instance.
looks like pms and connecting to contacts not working properly .. possibly too much changed on the network? (or maybe it could be db corruption due to the hard drive being full so many times?)
I might have to delete everything and start a new updated intance from scratch
I might try to export my contacts and see if that works.
There is probably not much I can do about other users losing their data.
but given that lately its been down more than up due to the hd filling up all the time there probably isn't much to lose now.
I'm not sure where to go with the site in general in these strange times.
the focus here was on events and bringing people together and these days there isn't much out there to to go to and nothing online can really fill that void.
let alone the ongoing issues re trust in browser upstreams.
how are others coping with that mess?
I can't live with it - but still waiting till I can see a way forward.2020-08-12T09:26:18Z via spraci.info To: Public
what was the command to trim the database?
its urgent
if I can't find a good way to do this I might have to shut it down or start a fresh instance .. the db is 47 GB and clearing caches can no longer reclaim enough space to keep going.
lately its been down more than up because I keep running out of space and I don't wish to spend much time online till I can find a decent browser alternative (without the untrustworthy upstreams)some more of my tracks...
2020-05-25T14:09:10Z via spraci.info To: Public
unfinished as always
#techno #acid #psytrance #acidhouse #music2019-09-05T10:18:29Z via spraci.info To: Public
looks like the db got this survived :-)
full hard drive yesterday :-(2019-04-16T09:21:38Z via spraci.info To: Public
phone dead again ... no idea what it is this time...
no dial tone
.... but ....
sometimes the dsl modem still connects! ... strange ..
guessing maybe somewhere there is just enough crosstalk for those (rf) signals to leak though to the right wires via other unbroken wires near it.2019-03-14T03:07:10Z via spraci.info To: Public
full hd again :-(
need to spend some time looking for whats eating so much space
actually looks ok .. just php-fpm crashed and needed restarting
possibly that protected the database from damage by crashing before anything caused the database to try to write without available space :)2018-12-01T07:20:59Z via spraci.info To: Public
2018-10-27T04:05:08Z via spraci.info To: Public
2018-10-02T04:44:25Z via spraci.info To: Public
maybe I sould revisit the idea of writing desktop applications
wouldn't mind an *offline* reader (eg like back in the bbs days)
not sure about the world of guis and ide's though... where to start
I guess maybe I should just start by looking up stuff about how to talk to X .. from what I've seen its just text (some kind of markup language) so probably not that hard.
would prefer to avoid use a web brower browser engine (not until they demystify those build systems!)2018-09-21T03:41:29Z via spraci.info To: Public
spraci's server TLS certificate expired (some time today apparently)
it has now been renewed.
apologies for the inconvenience if anyone couldn't connect or saw warnings.
it should work now
2018-07-13T04:19:52Z via spraci.info To: Public
has anyone else out there tried Rosegarden (linux music application)
for editing midi lately ?
I had previously assumed the music notation features were just for printing out sheet music, but that assumption was incorrect.
Sure it can print out scores but it turns out that some of those features are also actually powerful EDITING features for the music itself!
powerful features for working with keys, scales, chords, etc
and the "pitch tracker" feature !
.. never seen anything like that before!
(eg try it on an arpeggio! - its an interesting tool which can help you create some interesting variations in your music!)
Rosegarden might not be your cup of tea if you only ever work with audio (and never midi)
but if you do work with or are willing to experiment with midi in any way or just on the lookout for interesting new ways to explore ideas in your music definately have a look at this one!
don't assume its "just like" anything else - it isn't
and btw its free software (yes fully)clacke@libranet.de ❌ likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌ shared this.
2018-07-04T18:44:30Z via spraci.info To: Public
need to find a way to make bootable usb sticks for linux
I want something like that handy Knoppix one but with better performance for music apps.
as in fully r/w so you can use it just like its on a hard drive.
(and with usb3 it boots nice and fast)
Knoppix comes with a nice easy application for making bootable usb sticks -
Is there anything like that for audio-optimised distros?
knoppix is a nice distro, but the audio performance isn't good enough.
Its great for browsing and general use and it recognises most hardware I've tried,
and the default theme/fonts/etc are much more sensible than most things - nice and readable without even changing any settings - but audio gets too glitchy with heavy music production apps so looking for a way to make bootable sticks for any music-oriented distros (such as kxstudio, etc)
would be handy for laptops, travelling, etc
and reliability .. because such sticks would be cheap and quick to replace if anything goes wrong (and I could take spares with me)
- and without the hassle of configuring multi-boot
would be nice to have a freebsd one too ..
guessing theres probably a way to do it manually (with dd, etc)linux, midi and wine
2018-07-01T15:01:49Z via spraci.info To: Public
on linux:
(in this case ubuntu studio but want to keep the question general because I use other distros too)
How do I get jack, pulseaudio and wine to play nice with each other?
wine audio seems to be blocked when any linux music software is also running.
This problem came up when I tried to send midi from Rosegarden to an application running in Wine (wanted to see if Openmpt can work with midi input)
It looks like midi data does get there but openmpt seems to be stuck unable to play audio while any linux apps using jack are running.
(normally audio works fine in openmpt and wine generally so guessing the problem is something to do with the way pulseaudio and jack interact -
so maybe looking for jack/pulseaudio/alsa config tips)2018-06-25T14:42:39Z via spraci.info To: Public
now seeing quite a few events turning up in Friendica showing me as the poster that were not posted by me.
obviously theres a bug somewhere
I remember some discussion about a problem with Friendica event items displaying incorrect user names/avatars/etc some time ago but don't know if that was fixed.
at the time I wasn't sure if I had seen any like that.
but now quite a few such posts seem to be turning up2018-06-25T13:02:37Z via spraci.info To: Public
LE notice about certs expiring in 1 day ..
I already renewed it (I guess the notice was actually sent just before I did that)
Its nice to know that someone there thought to make sure another reminder notice is sent on the last day in case someone missed the earlier one or forgot.
as in its a sign that someone cares
so this time not a rant or complaint about anything
but an acknowlegement of something nice...2018-06-23T06:13:42Z via spraci.info To: Public
we need to get active in fighting email spam
first thing .. education for everyone about email headers!
had a gutful of those scumbags putting my domain in their fake headers
(seeing a lot of bounces but can't do much because they don't come from here)
I regard that as an attack
If anyone receives such an email please check the headers!
check the ips in the Received-by headers
(which are added by servers it passes through)
don't be deceived by anything that is easily faked by the real sender such as obviously the From header and also the domain presented by the spammer to a mail server in the intitial smtp ehlo. (this might end up in a received by header but check the ip also there) .. it won't match.
there seems to be a lot more email spam generally as well over the last few weeks
and we must MAKE SURE that spam doesn't frighten people who don't know any better into certralised services!
monopoly building must stop
and tell hotmail to fix their broken blocklist stuff .. its obviously not checking those ips so therefore broken.btw re received-by headers
spammers could add a fake Received-by header so if the first one doesn't contain an ip or its looks like a local ip it could be fake and if it is theres probably another Received-by header following it (the real one - you generally want to look for the one added by the first real mail server NOT controlled by the spammer that the mail passed though)
also I noticed a few spam bounces only quoting the first one .. obviously whatever is bouncing them should fix that - only qupting the first one is no good if its fake .. they should make sure that all the received-by headers are there if they want what's quoted in those bounces to be anything useful.
that spam isn't from here so theres no fix I can do here to stop whats not sent from here but I sure as hell still want those spammers stopped and put away.
seeing so many such bounces that it looks almost like its targeted
(as in someones trying to make me or my website look bad)
if its getting *personal*
then so would be what I would want to see happen to those bastards if ever manage to trace it all the way to the real criminals and am sure they are that
(I have no desire harm anything or anyone else and certainly not anyone that is another victim of the scammers antics)
but if I do find the real criminals and am sure .... ..
(I'll leave the rest of that to yout imagination .. those feelings are not easily expressed in words and certainly way beyond n s f w )
obviously a good way to hit back is to make sure they can't so easily fool anyone ..
every little bit could help ..
never miss an opportinity
take away every trace of any power those bastards might have to influence anyone ever again
nothing less acceptable after the last few years
everyone has had a gutful
2018-05-26T08:50:42Z via spraci.info To: Public
browser on newer android doest even display the URL of the page being viewed? not acceptable AT ALL #rubbish #crapware