Elena ``of Valhalla''

Elena ``of Valhalla'' at

>> Kete Foy:
>> Elena ``of Valhalla'':
“People who get their computers on the used market”
That's exactly where I got my Libreboot computer. If someone feels like they need to make a compromise, it's like, do they really need that Microsoft/Cisco job?”

Actually, that's also the way I'm going to do it (I've received my SOIC clip in the post yesterday), but that's an option that requires quite some computer expertise and comes with a nonzero risk of bricking the computer, so it's not really an option for most users.

And I'm still going to use a regular SSD, with its very not trustable firmware, because I need more storage than an SD card allows (and btw, SDs do have a controller running some firmware, altought I'm not sure it's powerful enough to do harm as the ones on disks are).

It's an improvement, and hopefully with time it will be available to more people, just like a mostly free OS right now is available to way more people than it was 10 years ago.