Elena ``of Valhalla''

Elena ``of Valhalla'' at

Quiz: Are You At Risk of Becoming a Terrorist? · Global Voices
This week The Intercept revealed a rating system that the US government encourages social workers, teachers and law enforcement workers to use to detect potential terrorists. The ranking system is "supposed to alert US government officials to individuals at risk of turning to radical violence, and to families or communities at risk of incubating extremist ideologies." [...] While reading the document at Global Voices, we couldn't help but laugh out loud because of the reductive approach of the survey. We decided to make our own quiz based on the simplistic assumptions the National Counterterrorism Center made, in its ranking system.

Find out if you are a terrorist, too!

Result: Guantánamo inmate

Hm, I think this means that I never can make any new action of terror .

mnd at 2015-02-20T13:44:01Z