Elena ``of Valhalla''

Old and new: furoshiki and electronics.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' at

Yesterday at the local LUG (@Gruppo Linux Como ) somebody commented on the mix of old and new in my cloth-wrapped emergency electronics kit (you know, the kind of things you carry around with a microcontroller board and a few components in case you suddenly have an idea for a project :-) ).


This is the kind of things it has right now: components tend to change in time.


And yes, I admit I can only count up to 2, for higher numbers I carry a reference card :-)


Anyway, there was a bit of conversation on how this looked like a grandmother-ish thing, especially since it was in the same bag with a knitted WIP sock, and I mentioned the Japanese #furoshiki revival and how I believe that good old things are good, and good new things are good, and why not use them both?

Somebody else, who may or not be @Davide De Prisco asked me to let him have the links I mentioned, which include:

* Wikipedia page: Furoshiki
* Guide from the Japanese Ministry of the Environment on how to use a furoshiki (and the article)
* A website with many other wrapping tecniques.

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