Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков) at
Raspberry Pi #baremetal #hacking with free software (2-clause BSD) boot loader that runs on the GPU. #piface https://cowlark.com/piface/doc/stable/doc/index.wiki
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I've compiled from source (probably the master branch) I don't remember when. I don't know when I'll have the time to install the new version. And as we are on the topic, is there any way to make the UI look better on GTK+/GNOME 3 desktop?

I'm with Trisquel (Debain/Ubuntu based). Its not that bad, but I kind of notice/feel a slight difference compared to the rest of the windows. Something about borders/shading.
Yes I think I've tried that. Now that I think about it, I might have to change the background color a bit.
Never mind.

Looks OK to me: https://media.saz.im/u/sazius/m/pumpa-on-gnome-3/ - but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder :-)