2014-11-19T13:48:51Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Few days ago I've realised that cryptocurrencies might be the "easy thing", the button that pays some money to authors that Stallman always gives as solution to sharing and compensation in his talks. Cryptocurrencies are pure software. As such they do not have additional costs and are easy to implement an integration for payment. Don't know why I haven't seen it until now. Might be the acceptance that cryptocurrencies are receiving lately that made me realise it.
2014-11-09T14:28:55Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Just killed by accident the Trisquel "update-manager --dist-upgrade" process. Oh the pain and misery!
Douglas Perkins likes this.
There is always aptitude/apt-get but the number of conflicts for packages is discouraging at first. It went well. :)
Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков) at 2014-11-09T20:17:16Z
sazius likes this.
EFF Secure Messaging Scorecard
2014-11-05T15:44:32Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Ecphoneme - a browser addon for faster searches
2014-10-13T07:48:56Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
I'm proud to announce my first Firefox addon Ecphoneme. It was inspired by DuckDuckGo !bang commands. For a first release it supports only few websites that I (might) use.
Of course it is free software (GNU Affero GPL v3 or later). Hosted at Gitorious and Mozilla addon pages. Any feedback is welcomed.
Anton Katsarov, anxel g, Dana likes this.
Show all 11 replies@Jacob Barkdull Anyhow, even if it really doesn't bring something new, I now know how to work with Mozilla addon SDK. :)
@Jacob Barkdull Somebody at Trisquel mailing list suggested similar approach with search engine extensions keywords. Is that what you've meant?
@Ivaylo Valkov The trick is having nothing but "%s" after "?search_query=".
It might be easier to just add YouTube to your Firefox's search, if it isn't already, and then go to "Manage Search Engines..." select YouTube and click "Edit Keyword..." make the keyword !yp.
Then entering "!yp mickey my friend" will kick you to YouTube results containing an awesome remix.
If you're having trouble getting it to work, others probably do too, that alone is a good enough reason for your extension to exist :-]@Ivaylo Valkov Wait, an even easier way to do it, just right click any search input form and click "Add a Keyword for this Search..." and it will do all of the necessary work for you.
I didn't know that, very cool!
I use this feature a lot, for example a have a quick search bookmark for Google Translate.
I bookmarked: http://translate.google.com/translate_t?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&text=%s
With the keyword: trans
When I need to translate a phrase like "Kühles Kind!", a language I don't understand, I can simply enter "trans Kühles Kind!" and go directly to the Detect Language to English Google translation.
So the search extensions keywords aren't the only way to get the functionality, like TildeHash.com doesn't have a search extension, but I have a quick search bookmark for it, myself.2014-10-09T17:59:30Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Failthess' Reverence album on headphones. Do I feel good?! ;)
2014-09-26T08:02:17Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
ZDNet is on the right track: „Amazon Forced To Reboot EC2 To Patch Bug In Xen. ZDNet takes this as a spur to remind everyone that the cloud is not magical.“ #slashdot http://beta.slashdot.org/story/207677
Hacky browser session restore
2014-09-09T07:09:08Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
I had a lot of tabs opened and for some reason the browser refused to restore the session, no matter what.
Well, I've hacked it!
grep -E "http[:\/\/a-zA-Z0-9\%._\?\=-]+" sessionstore.js -o |xargs abrowser
I have a lot of useless URLs opened, but it is better than nothing.
grep -E "http[:\/\/a-zA-Z0-9\%._\?\=-]+" ~/sessionstore.js -o |sort | uniq | grep favicon.ico -v | xargs abrowser
Isn't Abrowser a fork/version of Firefox? I thought Firefox asked which tabs to restore after a crash, and you could unselect some...
X11R5 likes this.
Yes, abrowser is practically Firefox. It usually does restore, but this time all URLs were in the restore file, but it did not restore. I typed some combination and the browser just stopped. Might have closed all tabs.
Linterna Mágica Git mirror
2014-09-06T20:36:28Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Pump.io notes editing
2014-09-06T08:34:17Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Does Pump.io support editing of notes? If it does, is there a desktop client that supports this?
GNOME weird application renaming
2014-09-06T07:28:21Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Can somebody share a link with the discussion about the renaming/simplifying the names of all integrated GNOME applications? I don't understand why they've changed the names of everything. I'm curious about the motivation behind this. I just don't get why and how the change helps.
I'm not sure exactly what has changed, but for example a new user isn't going to know they need to click on e.g. "Iceweasel" to access the web :-)
I'm not sure about Iceweasel. GNOME integrates with Epiphany (now simply Web). All applications switched to names closer to what they do.
I have absolutely no insight into this (I'm still on Gnome 3.4 on Debian wheezy), but my guess is that's the reason: a new user understands what "Web" means, have no clue what "Epiphany" is supposed to do.
2014-08-16T07:25:13Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
I've blown air in the fan opening of my laptop to clean the dust. I was too lazy to open it. Now it is 10 to 20 degrees cooler. #nicehack #impressed #lazy
Anton Katsarov likes this.
Morning coffee
2014-08-14T05:25:27Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Morning coffee, favourite cup and not having annoying job to go to. #priceless #notinhurry
italiatina, sazius, Alberto Moshpirit likes this.
Yo know when iw my birthday ;-)
Anton Katsarov at 2014-08-15T09:16:41Z
Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков) likes this.
2014-08-08T14:43:20Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Freedom is in the air!Anton Katsarov likes this.
Switch to Jabber! NOW!
2014-07-29T12:23:58Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Facebook discontinues chat in mobile app and forces messenger which collects way more (unnecessary) data. If you use Facebook, now is your chance to switch to pure Jabber client - over Facebook or not (not not not).
2014-07-24T11:49:58Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
#LinternaMagica's next release might be available around September.Federated/distributed Social Network RFC
2014-07-18T12:22:14Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
If there is still no RFC for federated/distributed social network, there should be as soon as possible. There are just too many projects working on too many protocols.