Odin Omdal Hørthe velmont@identi.ca
Oslo, Norway
Likar linux, foto, video/film, @helene, webdesign, nynorsk osb. Work in Opera Software.
Kjetil Thuen kthu@identi.ca
Manufactura Independente manufacturaind@identi.ca
Cavaco, Portugal
Libre graphics & design research studio.
Maxime Pelletier pm@identi.ca
Quebec City, Canada
Web programmer, open source lover (using gentoo-kde), all around geek without social life http://last.fm/user/maxime94
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) w3c@identi.ca
The World Wide Web Consortium develops interoperable technologies (specs, guidelines, software, tools) to lead the Web to its full potential
Josh Andler scislac@identi.ca
Mathias Bynke mabynke@identi.ca
Oslo, Norway
/mɑːbʏŋkə/ - A 96-model computer geek from Norway that likes free software and IT in general. Posting in English and Norwegian.
Christopher Allan Webber cwebber@identi.ca
Madison, United States
GNU MediaGoblin founder, former Creative Commons software engineer, python hacker, free software enthusiast, maker of weird drawings See: http://dustycloud.org/ (Any pronouns are okay.)
Joar Wandborg - Follow me at status.wandborg.se/joar instead. joar@identi.ca
Järna, Sweden
GNU MediaGoblin contributor