sofias. pink sofias@identi.ca
i like sugar, green things and designing systems. i think following orders, acting normal and being natural is quite a waste of time.
plomlompom plomlompom@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
futurist, nostalgiac, post-cinephile, pseudo-singularitarian, meme & identity network; 28/m/internet. All my own dent texts: public domain.
Christian Scholz mrtopf@identi.ca
Blogger, Podcaster, Videoblogger, Virtual Worlds Advocate Python/Zope/Plone developer
Hanns-Jörg Rohwedder danebod@identi.ca
Dortmund, Germany
Born '57, eco-pirate, danish-speaking. Member of State Parliament of Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany for Pirate Party
Ingo Stützle istuetzle@identi.ca
hirnbloggade hirnbloggade@identi.ca
Hamburg, Germany
Wissenschaftler, Behindertenpädagoge und Podcaster ( @SpoilerAlert42 und @trojaalert)
Bernhard Danzer janbernadyn@identi.ca
Poppenricht, Germany
Diplom-Pädagoge, Dr. phil. versucht Alltagsorientierung und kritische Theorie zu verbinden; Pro Solidarische Moderne; FSFE Fellow