Bernhard Danzer janbernadyn@identi.ca
Poppenricht, Germany
Diplom-Pädagoge, Dr. phil. versucht Alltagsorientierung und kritische Theorie zu verbinden; Pro Solidarische Moderne; FSFE Fellow
2012-09-23T00:06:15+00:00 in Poppenricht, Bavaria, Germany To: Public
“Aus dem Bauch heraus reagiert der Mensch kooperativ”: http://ur1.ca/ae0ixGlyn Moody shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-09-23T16:00:26+00:00 via web To: Public
Spanish region of Extremadura confirms commitment to open source - http://bit.ly/UpL8FA well, that's a relief (v Răzvan Sandu)Glyn Moody shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-09-10T20:56:32+00:00 via web To: Public
Răzvan Sandu shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-09-10T20:55:47+00:00 via web To: Public
Bernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
Pensador Louco shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-09-09T19:03:07+00:00 via web To: Public
!Ubuntu 12.10 Wallpapers Chosen - http://is.gd/mXQEmoBernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
Kuro Sawai shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-09-09T19:01:58+00:00 via web To: Public
Washington Post: The French struggle with the idea of teaching “morality” in schools http://is.gd/6jKpf3 !secular !educationBernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
Răzvan Sandu shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-09-09T19:01:32+00:00 via web To: Public
GNU/Linux Install Fest 2012 in #Politehnica #Bucharest, Oct 6th http://lif.rosedu.org #education #gnu #linux #romania #foss #upb #universityBernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
2012-09-09T18:59:09+00:00 via web To: Public
Why Open Source? Why Free (as in speech) Software? http://ur1.ca/a0htq #gnu #linux foss #ardour #audioBernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
Răzvan Sandu shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-09-09T18:58:19+00:00 via web To: Public
#Flanco is one Romanian electronics chain that sells #laptops with #GNU #Linux preinstalled http://tinyurl.com/96rrrbe #foss #romania #euBernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
Răzvan Sandu shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-09-09T18:57:45+00:00 via web To: Public
Bernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
Răzvan Sandu shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-09-09T18:57:44+00:00 via web To: Public
Bernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
Kuro Sawai shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-08-15T14:25:20+00:00 via web To: Public
Guardian: Must the poor go hungry just so the rich can drive? http://is.gd/VPlfWo !hrwBernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-08-15T14:23:29+00:00 via web To: Public
Cows kill more people than sharks - http://bit.ly/OrhrGv far more dangerous than "terrorists"...Alexandro P. likes this.
Bernhard E. Reiter, Bernhard E. Reiter, Bernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
has a !GNU ever killed anyone? :-) ♻ @glynmoody: Cows kill more people than sharks http://bit.ly/OrhrGv far more dangerous than "terrorists"Alexandre Oliva at 2012-08-14T17:14:01+00:00
Cyber Killer likes this.
shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-08-15T14:19:49+00:00 via web To: Public
Empfehlung: https://crypto.cat/ , mehr infos: http://ur1.ca/9yaimGlyn Moody shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-08-15T14:19:23+00:00 via web To: Public
Does Copyright Matter? - http://bit.ly/Np0KeT makes clear why #copyright is actually *bad* for art & artists (v @copyrightgirl @davegearl)Mohan Ram shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-08-15T14:18:47+00:00 via web To: Public
Unity-2D removed from !Ubuntu 12.10 by default http://is.gd/2DILcIBernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
@mohanpram what is going to be the fallout from this?Anne Roth shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-03-09T21:32:36+00:00 via web To: Public
Provokation in Sachsen: Thor Steinar eröffnet in Chemnitz "Brevik"-Filiale http://bit.ly/xiS2VLBernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer, hoia, hoia and 3 others shared this.
Kuro Sawai shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-03-09T21:32:15+00:00 via web To: Public
Bernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
Paradiesstaub shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-03-09T21:28:18+00:00 via web To: Public
Interview Of Mark Shuttleworth @ Mobile World Congress 2012 - http://goo.gl/JX6BY - !UbuntuBernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Bernhard Danzer at 2012-03-09T21:27:53+00:00 via web To: Public
Free Hardware and The Rise of #Android - http://bit.ly/x7d4dj nice analysisBernhard Danzer, Bernhard Danzer shared this.