wtactics wtactics@identi.ca
Open source customizable cardgame (CCG / TCG) playable both online & at the kitchen table.
Arne Babenhauserheide arnebab@identi.ca
Graben-Neudorf, Germany
Free licensing idealist, roleplayer, hobby musician and writer, python coder, doing phd in physics – avatar from Trudy Wenzel (GPL). Find me on http://draketo.de and http://1w6.org
Cyber Killer cyberkiller@identi.ca
Anarchistic cyberpunk & sysadmin, if you like my dents you can flattr me: https://flattr.com/t/264853
Adrián Chaves Fernández gallaecio@identi.ca
Torrellano, Spain
Free culture advocate with a focus on Galician, games and documentation, and part of the KDE community.
Mikhail Yakshin greycat@identi.ca
Barry Peddycord III isharacomix@identi.ca
Raleigh, United States
I'm a Graduate Student at NC State University pursuing my Ph.D. in Computer Science. I'm a hacker, a blogger, and a hopeless academic.
William Theaker williamtheaker@identi.ca