William Theaker williamtheaker@identi.ca
2014-08-19T02:23:15Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
résumé skills: inkscape, leading horses to water, css3Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
2014-08-14T07:15:13Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
"Now I know how Joan of Arc felt." - Jesus
2014-08-14T07:12:47Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
yeah i think zizek said it best in this lecture i watched tonight:
"im very sorry if I was too long but on the other hand I'm not sorry, fuck you, what can you do?"2014-08-14T07:10:26Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
Lacanians hate her! Find out how a local mom bridged the gap between the Real and the Symbolic with this one weird trick.
2014-08-14T07:06:37Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
fyi it's "frownd upon" to start a wall of death at ur niece's tuba recital :/
2014-08-14T06:59:41Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
much prefer lazy fair 2 laissez faire
2014-08-14T06:59:22Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
engagement toe ring
8/14 duckduckgo search history
2014-08-14T06:58:32Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
how do they manufacture backwards baseball caps
2014-08-14T06:57:11Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
Bill Gates caught unplugging life support machine to charge his Zune. #BadVista
2014-08-14T06:55:46Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
2013-11-13T20:55:42Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
Testing pump2status2tweet2013-05-01T03:37:36+00:00 To: Matt Lee, Public
Are you still working on redesigning the libre.fm audio player? Mockup redesign: http://ur1.ca/dmf7wsorry for the unsolicited web design. It's finals week and I'm procrastinating. http://ur1.ca/dmh2c2012-02-28T02:14:03+00:00 To: Brett Smith, Public
@brettcsmith What's your FSF member number? I'm finally getting around to signing up and I don't want Matt to get the credit :)2011-07-20T20:16:22+00:00 To: Richard Fontana, Public
@fontana I prefer a Rich to a Ty any day2011-07-07T16:59:49+00:00 To: F-Droid, Public
@fdroid what about something like this for a beardless f-droid icon? http://ur1.ca/4nqe22011-05-09T06:44:16+00:00 To: F-Droid, Public
@fdroid I've been mocking up a new fdroid icon what do you think? http://ur1.ca/44es4@williamtheaker That looks good to me, although some disapproval has been expressed on several occasions about the whole 'false beard' thing2010-08-06T19:40:48+00:00 To: Public
My icons for .mobi and .epub files have been accepted for #calibre 0.7.12! Success!