Wouter Tebbens wtebbens@identi.ca
Barcelona, Spain
aims to contribute to the building of a Free Knowledge Society, based on intellectual freedom, access to knowledge, participation, community, voluntary engagement, peer production, liberated markets, cryptocurrencies, complementary currencies, commons governance, transparency, solidarity, abundance, renewable energy, sustainability http://freeknowledge.eu/
2014-07-31T15:09:02Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Online courses on GNU/Linux Basic & Advanced, Personal Clouds, 100% #FreeSoftware & #FreeKnowledge Enrol at ftacademy.org/courses/progra… 30% discount!Careful with those copy-pastes from Twitter!
That link is falsified, and actually goes to their t.co domain ☹
JanKusanagi at 2014-07-31T15:16:32Z
Wouter Tebbens likes this.
>> Wouter Tebbens:
“right, this one went wrong. BTW years ago I used to have identi.ca connected to Twitter so it spread my messages straight to Twitter, now I need to copy-paste. Is something like that possible again with the pump IO?”
Yes, it's possible.Check out the apps/clients list:
Also, the tips I posted earlier, and this note for old identi.ca users:
https://identi.ca/jankusanagi/note/IpfiW7kBQYuXt6H7odMzQQ =)
JanKusanagi at 2014-07-31T15:25:50Z
Guido Arnold likes this.
>> Wouter Tebbens:
“@jankusanagi@identi.ca thanks for the tips! Just installed AndStatus and are now communicating PumpIO and twitter through this integrated free software app!”
Well, I actually meant configuring a service like pump2tweet.com or Pumpbridge, but ok.Try to avoid posting comments to comments, and try to comment on the original note, if you can, please. Otherwise, conversations get broken.
2014-07-31T15:06:46Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public, Free Software Foundation CC: Followers
The Free Technology Academy is restarting online courses in September. Register now with 30% discount for #GNU/#Linux & Personal Cloud Computing http://freeknowledge.eu/fta-restarts-in-september-30-percent-discountWouter Tebbens shared this.
2013-08-05T12:12:35Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
FT book review: Mazzucato notes that “75 per cent of the new molecular entities [approved by the Food and Drug Administration between 1993 and 2004] trace their research ... to publicly funded National Institutes of Health (NIH) labs in the US”. The UK’s Medical Research Council discovered monoclonal antibodies, which are the foundation of biotechnology. Such discoveries are then handed cheaply to private companies that reap huge profits. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/32ba9b92-efd4-11e2-a237-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2b60t62Wq2013-08-01T10:21:08Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Complementary and Cryptocurrencies -recent encounters - http://freeknowledge.eu/complementary-social-cryptocurrencies
#BitCoin #FreiCoin #OpenUDC #Commons #ECC #E2C !FTA !FK2013-06-19T13:26:47+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain via api To: Public
The Third Industrial Revolution Won’t Be As Easily Coopted as the Second by @kevincarson1 http://t.co/0vuZViTbkT v @mbauwens #4thecommons2013-06-13T11:52:53+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain via web To: Richard Stallman Political Notes, Public
Is Monsanto's New Genetically Engineered Soy a Health Food? - http://ur1.ca/eb0xf v @rms2013-06-11T08:50:53+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain via web To: Public
EC Foresight Workshop Develops #Commons #Bottum-Up Scenario for Higher Education - http://ur1.ca/ea2jb #OpenED Future cc @OpenEducationEU2013-06-08T13:57:42+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain via api To: Public
Social Business needs Social Management by @hjarche http://b1t.it/dotB excellent piece on distributed networks #commons governance in orgs2013-06-07T06:46:20+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain via api To: Free Knowledge, Public
2013-06-05T15:52:49+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain via api To: Public
Bombillas de #diseñolibre contra la #obsolescenciaprogramada http://ur1.ca/e71m4 #freehardware #distributedproduction2013-06-05T14:42:18+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain via api To: Free Knowledge, Free Technology Academy, Public
2013-06-05T14:34:58+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain via api To: Public
Participating in EC foresight workshop Open Education 2030 at JRC IPTS in Seville by @openeducationEU2013-05-31T08:17:22+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain To: Public
Planificando sesión Monedas Complementarias para los Comunes en la Escola dels Comuns en BCN. Participa: http://ur1.ca/ cc/ @efolch #e2c2013-05-31T07:53:45+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain via api To: Public
#BitCoin ATM is there: exchange currencies on the spot - https://bitcoinatm.com/ interesting developmentVincent OpenSourcier, Vincent OpenSourcier shared this.
2013-05-24T10:55:28+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain To: Public
Andreas Weber on #enlivenment #4thecommons: active in biosphere: enact freedom within constraints of existential and ecological necessity2013-05-23T16:59:42+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain To: Public
Caro Botero #4thecommons: not absence of exclusivity, but presence of non-exclusivity. bring back #commons to the forefront in #IPR reform2013-05-22T18:53:17+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain To: Public
Philippe Aigrain comments: not only markets add violence, the commons also does, if rules are too strict. Loose rules. #4thecommons2013-05-22T18:33:58+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain To: Public
#CCPE: Principle 5: Iterative processes. Tolerance for failure.2013-05-22T18:32:37+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain To: Public
#CCPE: Principle 4: Free knowledge and shared technology. Free not as in free beer, but non-discriminatory access. #FaiF #4thecommons2013-05-22T18:30:14+00:00 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain To: Public
#CCPE Principle 3: Commons are self-organising and self-healing. #4thecommons