Appropedia.org at 2009-02-17T17:20:29+00:00
Lesson from Japan: "public works get the best results when they create something useful for the future.” http://tr.im/gonp #stimulusZak Greant likes this.
Appropedia.org at 2009-02-13T21:09:04+00:00
#Permaculture principle 12. Have a positive impact on inevitable change by carefully observing, and then intervening at the right time.Zak Greant, Hippy Steve likes this.
Appropedia.org at 2009-01-13T18:52:32+00:00
#Permaculture principle 7. Design from patterns to details - Step back and observe patterns in nature and society. Details come after.Zak Greant likes this.
Appropedia.org at 2009-01-03T18:27:17+00:00
#Permaculture principle 1: Observe and interact. Take time to engage with nature, so we can design solutions for our particular situation.Zak Greant likes this.
Appropedia.org at 2009-01-04T14:45:46+00:00
#Permaculture principle 2: Catch and store energy: Develop systems that collect resources when abundant, & use them in times of need.Zak Greant likes this.
Appropedia.org at 2009-01-05T21:20:23+00:00
#Permaculture principle 3. Obtain a yield - Ensure that you are getting truly useful rewards as part of the work that you are doing.Zak Greant likes this.
Appropedia.org at 2009-01-08T17:37:06+00:00
#Permaculture principle 4. Apply self-regulation & accept feedback - Discourage inappropriate activity so systems continue to function well.Zak Greant likes this.
Appropedia.org at 2009-01-13T01:12:58+00:00
#Permaculture principle 6. Produce no waste - Valuing and make use of all the resources available to us, so nothing goes to waste.Zak Greant likes this.
@appropedia tis better still to do away with the concept of waste. "waste" is simply food waiting to be consumed in nature :)Appropedia.org at 2009-01-11T01:58:13+00:00
#Permaculture principle 5. Use and value renewable resources and services - Make the best use of nature's abundance.Zak Greant likes this.
Appropedia.org at 2009-01-13T17:50:42+00:00
@seecamp is an unconference developing a vision for Social, Environmental and Economic sustainability - Portland, Oregon, USA.Zak Greant likes this.