AcaWiki acawiki@identi.ca
Enabling graduate students and researchers to share summaries of academic papers online
2018-03-11T21:44:57Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
2.5 years since last update, but AcaWiki is still plugging along, busier than ever!
If this isn't satisfactory, jump in and help, including by helping find similar and possibly better projects.
You might be interested in the Bassel Khartabil Free Culture Fellowship named in memory of a programmer who (among many other things) did some early work on AcaWiki.Mike Linksvayer shared this.
2015-10-25T09:22:09Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
AcaWiki is about 6 years old. Rambling thoughts on that for the end of Open Access Week ... http://gondwanaland.com/mlog/2015/10/25/acawiki-non-summary/Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Tyng-Ruey Chuang likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Mike Linksvayer shared this.
2015-06-06T00:39:38Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Added the Journal of Brief Ideas to our list of similar (in some dimension) projects http://acawiki.org/AcaWiki:Similar_projectsMike Linksvayer shared this.
2015-04-19T19:37:40Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Super interesting summaries, follow and read for a "free PhD" says https://twitter.com/mstem/status/585108346765758467Mike Linksvayer shared this.
2015-04-19T19:34:24Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Added TinyToCS and lolmythesis to http://acawiki.org/AcaWiki:Similar_projects … found at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9401986rsd likes this.
Dana, Mike Linksvayer shared this.
2015-02-02T01:43:26Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
"a collaboration on AcaWiki to review articles about online harassment" http://acawiki.org/TODO_List_for_Literature_Review_on_Online_HarassmentMike Linksvayer shared this.
2015-02-02T01:39:57Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2014-09-28T04:39:36Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Imagined from beginning, but never done until now: a class is using AcaWiki -- an archaeology class at University of Washington.
This led to a long-put-off software upgrade, notes at http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/acawiki-general/2014-September/000428.htmlMike Linksvayer shared this.
BTW the upgrade was kind of a pain, as Semantic MediaWiki now really wants to be installed via composer, a PHP dependency management thing, which required removing/commenting out git/manually installed SMW, but it did all work, seeing spelled out at http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help_talk:Installation#MW_1.22_and_SMW_1.9beta_install.2Fupgrade_... helped.2011-07-29T04:57:11+00:00 To: Public
Now we have language support! The main page is translated into 中文, but we need your help to add more languages: http://acawiki.orgshared by AcaWiki at 2011-06-16T20:45:39+00:00 via web To: Public
With @acawiki we are seeking summaries of the Top 100 Academic Papers this summer! Join us! http://ur1.ca/4g7cmJon Phillips shared by AcaWiki at 2011-06-16T20:45:33+00:00 via web To: Public
@fabricatorz working with @acawiki to get summaries of the Top 100 Academic Papers! We helped get new look n feel too! http://ur1.ca/4g7cmX11R5 likes this.
2011-06-16T20:06:57+00:00 To: Public
Today we launch a drive to get summaries of the Top 100 Academic Papers: http://acawiki.org/Top_100_Papers (press http://ur1.ca/4g7cm)Jon Phillips likes this.
Jon Phillips, Jon Phillips shared this.
2011-06-14T01:21:49+00:00 To: Public
Facebook friends, you can follow us at *http://facebook.com/acawiki also at http://identi.ca/acawikiJon Phillips, Jon Phillips shared this.
Mike Linksvayer shared by AcaWiki at 2011-06-13T21:54:45+00:00 via web To: Public
@acamako is @mako summarizing @acawiki summaries; can't wait to see what @metamako has to say about http://mako.cc/copyrighteous/20101002-002011-03-06T09:47:01+00:00 To: AcaWiki, Public
Today's featured summary at @acawiki: How does the mother's education affect the health of her children? http://bit.ly/hRuXFV2011-03-06T09:45:37+00:00 To: AcaWiki, Public
Today's featured summary at @acawiki: How does the mother's education affect the health of her children http://acawiki.org/Mother%27s_educat2011-01-26T12:27:44+00:00 To: Public
Imagine an angry face. What is its gender? Today's featured summary: http://acawiki.org/The_confounded_nature_of_angry_men_and_happy_women2010-11-13T15:24:47+00:00 To: Public
An article on #QWERTY is also an "exploration of #economic history in 5 pages" says http://acawiki.org/Clio_and_the_economics_of_QWERTY2010-10-19T09:33:26+00:00 To: Public
Want to improve the human condition? Cunning beats 'rational engineering'. Read more on 'Seeing like a state': http://bit.ly/cobMxr2010-10-05T09:36:24+00:00 To: Public
Blast from the past: Betweenness is #NPcomplete (quick to verify, hard to compute). http://acawiki.org/Total_ordering_problem