maidis maidis@identi.ca
2013-09-28T21:51:01Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC:
identi.ca ne oldun böyle. Hiç yazasım gelmiyor sana. Hiç pratikliğin kalmamış. to nedir cc nedir? koyu, italik, altı çizgili yazı ne gerek. yukarıda söndürmenin mümkünatı olmayan yeşil bilgilendirme ışıkların. Ama hepsinden ötesi artık benim Twitter yerine rahatlıkla kullandığım bir yer olmaktan uzaklaşıp başka amaçlara (Facebook, Google+, Diaspora) yönelmen.Şan Güneş likes this.
Özgür Uçkan shared by maidis at 2013-05-31T19:16:43+00:00 To: Public
İstanbul Tabip Odası: AKP HÜKÜMETİ ÇILDIRMIŞ OLMALI! #DirenGeziParkı #OccupyTaksim http://goo.gl/Iwi96Özgür Uçkan shared by maidis at 2013-05-31T19:16:43+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
İstanbul Tabip Odası: AKP HÜKÜMETİ ÇILDIRMIŞ OLMALI! #DirenGeziParkı #OccupyTaksim http://goo.gl/Iwi96Thomas Thym shared by maidis at 2013-05-21T12:26:31+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Thomas Thym shared by maidis at 2013-05-21T12:26:31+00:00 To: Public
Jolla shared by maidis at 2013-05-21T12:22:26+00:00 To: Public
Sign up already, so that we see the demand from your country too!KDE Community shared by maidis at 2013-05-09T22:36:27+00:00 To: Public
Do you have a flair for design? You have a great opportunity to improve !KDE Plasma desktop #UX → http://ur1.ca/drk1iRicardo Chung, Ricardo Chung, Filipe Saraiva, Filipe Saraiva and 7 others shared this.
KDE Community shared by maidis at 2013-05-09T22:36:27+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Do you have a flair for design? You have a great opportunity to improve !KDE Plasma desktop #UX → http://ur1.ca/drk1iRicardo Chung, Ricardo Chung, Filipe Saraiva, Filipe Saraiva and 7 others shared this.
Neustradamus shared by maidis at 2013-05-07T21:26:10+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
!Blender 2.67 has been released ( !3D ) http://www.blender.org/Neustradamus shared by maidis at 2013-05-07T21:26:10+00:00 To: Public
!Blender 2.67 has been released ( !3D ) http://www.blender.org/Nizar Kerkeni shared by maidis at 2013-04-15T11:02:59+00:00 To: Public
Nizar Kerkeni shared by maidis at 2013-04-15T11:02:59+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Jolla shared by maidis at 2013-04-05T14:43:50+00:00 To: Public
Sailfish OS SDK now available for Windows, OS X and Linux. Everyone - come on in, the water's lovely! !jolla !qtLuis Ángel Fernández Fernández, Luis Ángel Fernández Fernández, SouL, SouL and 6 others shared this.
Jolla shared by maidis at 2013-04-05T14:43:50+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Sailfish OS SDK now available for Windows, OS X and Linux. Everyone - come on in, the water's lovely! !jolla !qtLuis Ángel Fernández Fernández, Luis Ángel Fernández Fernández, SouL, SouL and 6 others shared this.
victorhck shared by maidis at 2013-04-01T17:05:44+00:00 To: Public
victorhck shared by maidis at 2013-04-01T17:05:44+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Electronic Frontier Foundation shared by maidis at 2013-03-27T19:36:23+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Adding DRM to the HTML5 spec is like inviting vampires into your house. Save the open web: https://eff.org/r.5bM8Aleksej likes this.
Per Liss, Per Liss, Mattias Nordström, Mattias Nordström and 12 others shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation shared by maidis at 2013-03-27T19:36:23+00:00 To: Public
Adding DRM to the HTML5 spec is like inviting vampires into your house. Save the open web: https://eff.org/r.5bM8Aleksej likes this.
Per Liss, Per Liss, Mattias Nordström, Mattias Nordström and 12 others shared this.