
  • DRM in Firefox 38.0 on Windows will be on by default

    2015-05-12T17:48:32Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    bensonmum, bensonmum, bensonmum, bensonmum and 1 others shared this.

  • QMO: Mozilla Spanish Testday

    2015-03-26T13:46:23Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    ¡Hola a todos!

    Este viernes, 27 de Marzo, a las 8:00 pm (UTC). El equipo de Control de Calidad de Mozilla dará una introducción sobre su área, así como acerca de sus procedimientos. Este testday sera coordinado por gaby2300 y Yunito, que son dos miembros de nuestro equipo de Control de Calidad. El testday será en Español, por eso, cualquier usuario que hable en Español podrá seguir el testday.

    Para más detalles, visite el etherpad.

    Nos vemos en el IRC de #qa.

    ¡Te esperamos!

    Hello everyone!

    This Friday, the 27th of March, starting at 8:00 pm (UTC), the Mozilla Hispano team will bring an introduction about QA and some of their procedures. This testday will be coordinated by gaby2300 and Yunito, two members of our QA Team. The testday will be held in Spanish, so every Spanish Speaker user will be able to understand all of the stuff that will be shown.

    More detailed instructions are available in this etherpad.

    We will meet on the #qa IRC channel . Looking forward to see you all next Friday!

  • Sections and Outlines in

    2015-03-25T07:18:12Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers, sazius

    What to do if you want to make a section with a header in your message? What to do if you want it to be comprehensible for something like screenreaders, or meaningful with CSS?

    Dianara 1.2.3 has a "header" markup option, which makes the text a paragraph with lots of styling. That's not semantic (it's a WYSIWYG editor though).

    In Pumpa, I made div elements. They even got proper xml:lang and lang attributes made out of the lazy "lang=en" I had added. Headers were h5, which I chose because message titles are h4 on my Timeline. The titles are h2 on the messages' pages though. That seems perfect, as long as message titles are not made h5 or deeper elsewhere. If they are, you'll get a font-size-related mess.

    HTML5 proposes a solution: Sections and Outlines. I tried using the section tag in Pumpa, and it disappeared together with (xml:)lang; the paragraphs stayed there only thanks to Markdown. True, it is not really supported: section is something like div in Firefox 36 (this page indicates support since Firefox 4). The intent is, roughly, for a browser to consider any tags like h1-h6 inside a section a level deeper than those in the parent section (don't take my word for it if you are going to write anything).

  • Chromium / Google Chrome and Etherpad

    2015-03-24T22:05:53Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    When a Chromium user uses its "Translate to " feature to read the contents of an Etherpad, they replace the actual contents with the machine translation. Please don't do that, or press Ctrl+Z in the editor if you did.

  • Mozilla: Viernes 27 de marzo, Testday en español para LATAM y España

    2015-03-24T21:52:09Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers


    El equipo de QA de Mozilla Hispano brindará a todos los usuarios de habla hispana una introducción al área de Control de Calidad, así como de sus procedimientos. También se dará la posibilidad de unirse al equipo si hay gente interesada en ello.

    Este testday será distinto a los habituales ya que será en español y se enseñarán herramientas para poder colaborar más operativamente en Control de calidad.



    Mozilla Hispano QA team will bring to every Spanish speaker user an introduction about about Quality Assurance and their procedures. Also, they will bring the oportunity to every user to join the team if they are interested in.

  • Americans and Coca-Cola

    2015-03-08T12:24:54Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    A Russian Wikipedia article states with one citation that the most popular lunch food is a sandwich and Coca-Cola. How true is that, and how popular lunch (which starts at 12) is?

    Do you really mean "Americans", or do you mean US people? ;)

    JanKusanagi at 2015-03-08T13:32:35Z

    JanKusanagi, ;) por cierto lo pueden creer de los estadounidenses.

    Aleksej at 2015-03-08T13:56:02Z

  • Firefox and

    2014-11-19T16:37:19Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    Firefox DevEd and Nightly have a "Share this page" button, which shows 6 social networking service icons and a (currently useless) "View more" button. I think that's the "SocialAPI" thing. JFYI, if you care and want to file a bug or make an add-on for something.

    That'd be interesting ;)

    JanKusanagi at 2014-11-20T00:40:19Z

  • 10 Years of Firefox

    2014-11-10T07:27:15Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    It's 10 years since the Firefox 1.0 release. #fx10

    You are supposed to also use "#ChooseIndependent" there, but I cannot make myself fully understand what "independent" means. Maybe it's another word for "free" or "forkable".

    Aleksej at 2014-11-10T16:24:17Z

    Watched the video. It talks about independence of the user.

    If not with a default profile, that difference from the others can be achieved by configuration.

    Aleksej at 2014-11-10T16:34:04Z

  • Firehose reset?

    2014-10-27T20:45:09Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    Did anything happen to Firehose? Pumpa today showed 1 item, then newer ones appeared, but no older ones.

  • "Like"

    2014-10-24T16:46:44Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    The simplicity of "Like" saves energy, but people often ascribe the properties of liking or favoring different things about the "Liked" thing to the action. What can be done with that without making it a compulsory 5-grade rating of 5 things about a comment?

    I'd be OK with just an easily available description suggesting a common meaning. One word "like" is not enough, because it is not simple (for the lack of a context).

    Aleksej at 2014-10-24T16:54:29Z

  • Dianara → Contacts → Lists → Remove Member

    2014-10-18T15:18:17Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers, JanKusanagi

    I removed a list member, and now the Meanwhile… feed shows "Aleksej removed Member Name". She is still in another list. I am not following her, and, I think, was not when I clicked the button.

    Show all 8 replies

    You can FOLLOW and STOP-FOLLOWING people, and you can ADD and REMOVE people or things from collections.

    They're really very different verbs.

    I meant why all three just say "removed" without obvious details. :-)

    Aleksej at 2014-10-18T16:30:04Z

    >> Aleksej:

    “I meant why all three just say "removed" without obvious details.”

    Which "all three"?

    • The verb "follow" results in an activity such as "JohnDoe followed Jane".
    • The verb "stop-following" results in an activity such as "JohnDoe stopped following Jane".
    • The verb "add" results in an activity such as "JohnDoe added Jane".
    • The verb "remove" results in an activity such as "JohnDoe removed Jane".

    JanKusanagi at 2014-10-18T16:39:03Z

    Which "all three"?

    Web UI, Dianara, Pumpa

    Aleksej at 2014-10-18T17:33:18Z

    >> Aleksej:

    “Web UI, Dianara, Pumpa”

    Oh, simple: because the description of the activities is given by the core, by the server. The client has no control over that.

    We could reinvent the wheel and generate our own descriptions, but I really don't see the point.

    JanKusanagi at 2014-10-18T17:47:23Z

  • A new version of the curtain drawing

    2014-10-18T12:42:04Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    The "fixator" is a "handle" now.