Paul Laroquod laroquod@identi.ca
Shifter around of dots within various kinds of rectangles. [If a link says "Laroquod likes this" it means "Laroquod marked this for later".]
Shawn R Gray shawnrgray@identi.ca
Ottawa, Canada
An Ontario Certified Teacher, working as an administrative assistant in Ottawa while writing and examining digital politics.
michelenlared michelenlared@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
/ Open Source / backgammon - tennis player / User Android - HTC - / gnu/linux # 498226 - Linux machine # 409830 /
Hilton Garcia Fernandes hgfernan@identi.ca
Ouro Leve, Brazil
Tudo é uma questão de manter a mente quieta, a espinha ereta e o coração tranquilo. Walter Franco
Chris Fisher chrislas@identi.ca
The Co-Host of The Linux Action Show! and several other fine Jupiter Broadcasting Shows!
Dyscultured dyscultured@identi.ca
Be part of the live experience every Wednesday night at 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific. Or download the podcast at your leisure...
Brandon Atreides marxistcanada@identi.ca
Canadian researcher who is exposing marxist socialist traitors and government plans such as chemical spraying from military aircraft.
Shane Birley shanebee@identi.ca
Vancouver, Canada
Shane Birley is a blogger, huge geeky nerd, web developer, poet, and creative writer based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Nils Geylen nilsgeylen@identi.ca
Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Before this I wrote shit and designed shit and wrote about that. Now I am sick.