Electronic Frontier Foundation shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-07-03T01:44:39+00:00 via web To: Public
Customs and Border Patrol considered weaponizing domestic drones according to new FOIA'd documents. https://eff.org/r.b7WyDennis Bournique, dper@identi.ca, Todd Howe, Sander and 1 others shared this.
The Linux Foundation shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-06-28T23:04:14+00:00 via web To: Public
First #Tizen Tablet is a Quad-Core Powerhouse on par with Android http://bit.ly/14Bp3K5Dennis Bournique, Luis Ángel Fernández Fernández shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-06-17T23:55:52+00:00 via web To: Public
EFF responds to MPAA's Chris Dodd: the Founders of the USA would not support MPAA's copyright agenda. https://eff.org/r.2bVmThe Root's Updates, Dennis Bournique shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-06-08T01:13:04+00:00 via web To: Public
Here's why metadata matters: call records provide a window into your life and must be protected. https://eff.org/r.b9Twschmecks, Dennis Bournique, Sander shared this.
RT @eff Here's why metadata matters: call records provide a window into your life and must be protected. https://eff.org/r.b9TwSteven Rosenberg shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-06-06T05:16:38+00:00 via web To: Public
The great defriending of #Facebook http://identi.ca/url/75960292Dennis Bournique shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-05-30T23:08:51+00:00 via web To: Public
Computer scientists urge court to block copyright claims in Oracle v. Google API fight: https://eff.org/r.2bS4Simon Phipps likes this.
Yutaka Niibe, Yutaka Niibe, Simon Phipps, Simon Phipps and 6 others shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-05-30T23:08:51+00:00 via web To: Public
Computer scientists urge court to block copyright claims in Oracle v. Google API fight: https://eff.org/r.2bS4Simon Phipps likes this.
Yutaka Niibe, Yutaka Niibe, Simon Phipps, Simon Phipps and 6 others shared this.
Arthur Schiwon shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-05-20T13:42:37+00:00 via web To: Public
Hands on the #jolla device http://ur1.ca/dy44r, sounds like the other half really can be anything featurefulDennis Bournique, Dennis Bournique, Florian Jacob, Florian Jacob shared this.
Arthur Schiwon shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-05-20T13:42:37+00:00 via web To: Public
Hands on the #jolla device http://ur1.ca/dy44r, sounds like the other half really can be anything featurefulDennis Bournique, Dennis Bournique, Florian Jacob, Florian Jacob shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-05-10T05:10:58+00:00 via web To: Public
Shame on the W3C: today's standards decision paves the way for DRM in the fabric of the open web. https://eff.org/r.3bRjHilton Garcia Fernandes, a(n) person, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Dennis Bournique, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 37 others shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-05-10T05:10:58+00:00 via web To: Public
Shame on the W3C: today's standards decision paves the way for DRM in the fabric of the open web. https://eff.org/r.3bRjHilton Garcia Fernandes, a(n) person, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Dennis Bournique, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 37 others shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-04-18T14:09:37+00:00 via web To: Public
Oh Look, Rep. Mike Rogers Wife Stands To Benefit Greatly From #CISPA Passing... - http://bit.ly/YxcT1z staggeringDennis Bournique, Dennis Bournique shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-04-18T14:09:37+00:00 via web To: Public
Oh Look, Rep. Mike Rogers Wife Stands To Benefit Greatly From #CISPA Passing... - http://bit.ly/YxcT1z staggeringDennis Bournique, Dennis Bournique shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-04-05T14:45:21+00:00 via web To: Public
[RT] Tell #W3C: We don't want the Hollyweb - http://bit.ly/Z4fP5S #epetition to stop#DRM in #HTML5 (v @netzpolitik)Dennis Bournique, Dennis Bournique shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-04-05T14:45:21+00:00 via web To: Public
[RT] Tell #W3C: We don't want the Hollyweb - http://bit.ly/Z4fP5S #epetition to stop#DRM in #HTML5 (v @netzpolitik)Dennis Bournique, Dennis Bournique shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-04-05T14:44:33+00:00 via web To: Public
bhuvanesh, bhuvanesh, Mitch Featherston, Mitch Featherston and 2 others shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-04-05T14:44:33+00:00 via web To: Public
bhuvanesh, bhuvanesh, Mitch Featherston, Mitch Featherston and 2 others shared this.
2013-03-22T05:37:39+00:00 via web To: Public
Keep #DRM out of the HTML5 standard. The open web is no place for anti-user technology: https://eff.org/r.5bM8Dennis Zeit, McScx, Jure Repinc (JLP), RiveraValdez and 1 others likes this.
Free Culture Foundation, Free Culture Foundation, Cédric Heintz, Cédric Heintz and 36 others shared this.
♻ @eff Keep #DRM out of the HTML5 standard. The open web is no place for anti-user technology: https://eff.org/r.5bM82013-03-22T05:37:39+00:00 via web To: Public
Keep #DRM out of the HTML5 standard. The open web is no place for anti-user technology: https://eff.org/r.5bM8Dennis Zeit, McScx, Jure Repinc (JLP), RiveraValdez and 1 others likes this.
Free Culture Foundation, Free Culture Foundation, Cédric Heintz, Cédric Heintz and 36 others shared this.
♻ @eff Keep #DRM out of the HTML5 standard. The open web is no place for anti-user technology: https://eff.org/r.5bM8Electronic Frontier Foundation shared by Dennis Bournique at 2013-03-20T02:36:00+00:00 via web To: Public
You bought it, you own it: a Supreme Court victory for owners' rights — and common sense. https://eff.org/r.4bM3 #kirtsaengRicardo Chung likes this.
Jared Bangs, Jared Bangs, dper@identi.ca, dper@identi.ca and 6 others shared this.