Andrej Dundović
Interest in physics, free software, computer programming, philosophy etc. :-)
JanKusanagi at 2017-03-30T17:05:06Z
Nice xDD
There are mentions of "Upstart job", so... *buntu?
Andrej Dundović likes this.
They probably already have those other dystopian uses in place...
Andrej Dundović, FLWNQWUD likes this.
X11R5 shared this.
Marko Dimjašević at 2013-10-10T14:28:44Z
If you're a Git user and you write documents in LaTeX, take a look at latexdiff-git, an awesome tool to display differences between two versions, in PDF: Dundović likes this.
Arne Babenhauserheide at 2012-03-12T22:04:49+00:00
Marcus Harrison, Andrej Dundović, Klaus, Захария Стургин likes this.
hirnbloggade, hirnbloggade, Francesco Chicchiriccò, Francesco Chicchiriccò and 6 others shared this.