
Dianara → Contacts → Lists → Remove Member

Aleksej at

I removed a list member, and now the Meanwhile… feed shows "Aleksej removed Member Name". She is still in another list. I am not following her, and, I think, was not when I clicked the button.

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You can FOLLOW and STOP-FOLLOWING people, and you can ADD and REMOVE people or things from collections.

They're really very different verbs.

I meant why all three just say "removed" without obvious details. :-)

Aleksej at 2014-10-18T16:30:04Z

>> Aleksej:

“I meant why all three just say "removed" without obvious details.”

Which "all three"?

  • The verb "follow" results in an activity such as "JohnDoe followed Jane".
  • The verb "stop-following" results in an activity such as "JohnDoe stopped following Jane".
  • The verb "add" results in an activity such as "JohnDoe added Jane".
  • The verb "remove" results in an activity such as "JohnDoe removed Jane".

JanKusanagi at 2014-10-18T16:39:03Z

Which "all three"?

Web UI, Dianara, Pumpa

Aleksej at 2014-10-18T17:33:18Z

>> Aleksej:

“Web UI, Dianara, Pumpa”

Oh, simple: because the description of the activities is given by the core, by the server. The client has no control over that.

We could reinvent the wheel and generate our own descriptions, but I really don't see the point.

JanKusanagi at 2014-10-18T17:47:23Z