Dianara → Contacts → Lists → Remove Member
Aleksej at
I removed a list member, and now the Meanwhile… feed shows "Aleksej removed Member Name". She is still in another list. I am not following her, and, I think, was not when I clicked the button.
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You can FOLLOW and STOP-FOLLOWING people, and you can ADD and REMOVE people or things from collections.
They're really very different verbs.
I meant why all three just say "removed" without obvious details. :-)
>> Aleksej:
“I meant why all three just say "removed" without obvious details.”
Which "all three"?
- The verb "follow" results in an activity such as "JohnDoe followed Jane".
- The verb "stop-following" results in an activity such as "JohnDoe stopped following Jane".
- The verb "add" results in an activity such as "JohnDoe added Jane".
- The verb "remove" results in an activity such as "JohnDoe removed Jane".