Simon Descarpentries shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-07-10T18:56:09+00:00 via web To: Public
RT @nojhan Snowden fuit une démocratie vers un état autoritaire car un prix Nobel de la paix veut le punir d'avoir dénoncé des abus de pvrSylvain Delafoy, Krugor, ®om shared this.
La Quadrature du Net shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-07-07T10:01:30+00:00 via web To: Public
Rassemblement en défense d'Edward Snowden dimanche 7 juillet à 14h http://lqdn.fr/node/6894Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
®om shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-07-05T14:57:12+00:00 via web To: Public
« Tout homme persécuté en raison de son action en faveur de la liberté a droit d’asile sur les territoires de la République. » #constitutionCHABOT Simon, Krugor, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-07-05T14:35:02+00:00 via web To: Public
Stasi vs. The #NSA Back To Back: Who’s Worse – A Visual Guide - http://bit.ly/18AlycB important point, nicely made #surveillanceSylvain Delafoy shared this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-06-27T19:38:51+00:00 via web To: Public
"governments will use whatever technology is available to them to combat their primary enemy – which is their own population,” Noam ChomskySylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, CHABOT Simon, ®om, Krugor and 1 others shared this.
Monique Brunel shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-06-07T22:53:56+00:00 via web To: Public
A découvrir et à adopter, #Framanews, le lecteur de flux RSS de @framasoft http://ur1.ca/e875r #RSS #readerGilbert Dion, Sylvain Delafoy, Lydie shared this.
®om shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-06-02T18:32:42+00:00 via web To: Public
Bon, maintenant on sait qu'il faut à tout prix éviter #linkeoSylvain Delafoy shared this.
Framasoft shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-06-02T18:32:41+00:00 via web To: Public
Soutien à @linuxfrorg mise en demeure http://ur1.ca/e47gi (ce qui nous rappelle mauvais souvenirs : long procès gagné mais argent perdu)Sylvain Delafoy, ®om, ®om, fablefou and 3 others shared this.
2013-05-28T19:26:04+00:00 To: Public
a voté pour "No plans, I keep on denting for now, after the migration we will see"
2013-05-26T14:13:46+00:00 To: Laura Arjona, Public
Gatitac shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-05-23T10:02:56+00:00 To: Public
Vd #maison de 5 pièces 115 m², salon de 40m² sur véranda à #Évry #Essonne #91 #IDF #RERD ur1.ca/dhp72 #RT appréciés :-) #shareSylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
Gatitac shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-05-23T10:02:56+00:00 via web To: Public
Vd #maison de 5 pièces 115 m², salon de 40m² sur véranda à #Évry #Essonne #91 #IDF #RERD ur1.ca/dhp72 #RT appréciés :-) #shareSylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
Un Garage shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-05-15T19:45:37+00:00 To: Public
Rapport #Lescure : Les missions de la #Hadopi pérennisées et le contrôle du Net par le #CSA http://ur1.ca/du8amSylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
Un Garage shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-05-15T19:45:37+00:00 via web To: Public
Rapport #Lescure : Les missions de la #Hadopi pérennisées et le contrôle du Net par le #CSA http://ur1.ca/du8amSylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
jean marc manach shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-05-15T15:49:32+00:00 To: Public
Les violences du PSG ? C'est la faute à #LesInternets, à la Tour Eiffel et au Trocadéro http://t.co/ReWn1QTuv4 par @guerricpCharles NSALAMBI, Charles NSALAMBI, Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy and 6 others shared this.
jean marc manach shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-05-15T15:49:32+00:00 via web To: Public
Les violences du PSG ? C'est la faute à #LesInternets, à la Tour Eiffel et au Trocadéro http://t.co/ReWn1QTuv4 par @guerricpCharles NSALAMBI, Charles NSALAMBI, Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy and 6 others shared this.
Gatitac shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-04-29T21:32:12+00:00 To: Public
♺ @ravaged_ @rdugert Des familles posent devant 1 semaine de courses dans le monde entier — génial http://imgur.com/a/mN8ZsSylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
Gatitac shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-04-29T21:32:12+00:00 via web To: Public
♺ @ravaged_ @rdugert Des familles posent devant 1 semaine de courses dans le monde entier — génial http://imgur.com/a/mN8ZsSylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
nojhan shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-04-25T06:40:43+00:00 To: Public
So true :-( RT @corbettreport The War On Terror Is Over. America Lost. - http://t.co/MhF91J3gdXidoric, idoric, Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy and 2 others shared this.
nojhan shared by Sylvain Delafoy at 2013-04-25T06:40:43+00:00 via web To: Public
So true :-( RT @corbettreport The War On Terror Is Over. America Lost. - http://t.co/MhF91J3gdXidoric, idoric, Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy and 2 others shared this.