2012-08-30T05:01:53+00:00 To: Python, Public
it's altogether too difficult to #DTRT with !Python program files. http://stackoverflow.com/a/6811921/70157 #yak-shavingvoted for "Other (Please List!)"
2012-08-21T05:37:46+00:00 To: Lev Lazinskiy, GNU's Not Unix, Public
2012-07-03T05:18:04+00:00 To: Ben Sturmfels, Public
2011-10-22T00:49:11+00:00 To: Get The Facts, Public
2011-10-21T23:47:23+00:00 To: Melbourne, Public
over 150 people for critical thinking at #skepticamp !Melbourne today. Biggest worldwide so far?voted for "Yes"
2011-09-20T06:41:16+00:00 To: Demuxer blogspot.com, Identi.ca, Public
2011-09-17T11:44:32+00:00 To: Melbourne, Public
had a very good #software_freedom_day in !Melbourne. free as in BBQ with open sauce, then talks and workshops on building !fs community.2011-09-17T11:44:17+00:00 To: Public
had a very good #software_freedom_day in !Melbourne. free as in BBQ with open sauce, then talks and workshops on building the community.2011-09-16T22:26:53+00:00 To: Free Software, Public
@swt, yes, restricting field of use is non-free; restricting commercial use is non-free. !freesoftware restricts neither.2011-08-17T09:24:27+00:00 To: Melbourne, Public
#byteintoit fans, subscribe tonight's show with your #identica ID to be thanked on air. !Melbourne community radio, 03 9388 1027. #chooserrr2011-08-17T08:29:57+00:00 To: Public
!melbourne #chooserrr tonight's #byteintoit, I'll thank subscribers on tonight's show who give us their !identica ID. http://ur1.ca/4xeco2011-08-17T08:27:47+00:00 To: Public
#melbourne #chooserrr tonight's #byteintoit, I'll thank subscribers on tonight's show who give us their #identica ID. http://ur1.ca/4xeco2011-07-28T01:15:10+00:00 To: F-Droid, Android OS, Free Software, Public
!android messaging app makes difficult to send to multiple recipients http://ur1.ca/4sz4u – is there a !freesoftware app to fix it? @fdroid@bignose: I don't know if TextSecure is FLOSS but it works very well and it encrypts your messages http://is.gd/NeC9002011-06-30T00:20:10+00:00 To: Bradley M. Kuhn, Public
thanks @bkuhn for informing #rrrbyte !melbourne radio ep. http://ur1.ca/4koqa !libreoffice !statusnet !freesoftware !twitterfree !autonomous2011-06-30T05:51:46+00:00 To: Simon Phipps, Public
@webmink, best to ask the FSF then. those cases might be “we promised not to publicise the violation” though.2011-06-30T01:07:02+00:00 To: Mars Zuckerbird, Identi.ca, Free from Facebook, Public
@kittenpaw, !fuckfacebook. what is “Facebook style”, and why would that be an “upgrade” for !identica?Hugh Barnes likes this.
2011-06-26T06:40:30+00:00 To: Free Software Foundation, LibrePlanet, autonomo.us, Free Software, Free Culture, fuckthecloud, Public
who wants network freedom for all? http://freenetworkfoundation.org/ !libreplanet !freeculture !autonomous !fsf !freesoftware !fuckthecloudMichael V. Antosha likes this.
laurelrusswurm shared this.
2011-06-24T04:54:25+00:00 To: Melbourne, Get The Facts, Public
who is http://www.nps.org.au/ why are they suddenly on a !melbourne blitz about medicine and ingredients? are they !skeptic or astroturf?2011-06-06T05:41:03+00:00 To: Public
Manal al-Sharif has been arrested for the crime of driving a car in Saudi Arabia while having a vagina. http://ur1.ca/4cslh #humanism2011-06-05T12:46:29+00:00 To: Luka Marčetić, Debian, Public