Brian DeRocher brian252@identi.ca
Alexandria, United States
open source, debian, openmoko, KDE, amd64, ppc64
Free Culture DC freeculturedc@identi.ca
Washington, United States
Information policy and digital rights in the Washington, D.C. area
Software Freedom Law Center sflc@identi.ca
New York, United States
We provide legal representation and other law-related services to protect and advance Free, Libre, and Open Source Software.
Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.
Debian Project debian@identi.ca
Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica
Sylvain Paré garthps@identi.ca
Dol-de-Bretagne, France
Openmoko Neo Freerunner and Palm Pre 2 user. C/C++/Qt Developer. GPS interest. OpenStreetMap