Cédric Heintz ced117@identi.ca

Time to join me there: https://status.ced117.net/cedric


  • illyria illyria@pumpity.net

    ...should put something in here...

  • Kontalk Network kontalknet@identi.ca

    News feed and real-time status by the kontalk.net network

  • Digital Freedom Foundation dff@identi.ca

    Hong Kong, Hong Kong

    DFF (formerly SFI) is the non-profit at the origin of SFD, HFD, CFD and now EFD. 100's of teams around the world join each year to celebrate.

  • Alexandre Oliva lxoliva@identi.ca

    Campinas, SP, Brazil

    Free Software Evangelist. GNU speaker and advisory committee member. Recipient of FSF's 2016 Award for the Advancement of Free Software. FSF Latin America board member. LibrePlanet São Paulo activist. 0G foreseer. Maintainer of GNU Linux-libre, and co-maintainer of the GNU Compiler Collection, GNU binutils and GNU libc. Libre-SOC contributor. GNU tools engineer at AdaCore.

  • Gemini gemini@identi.ca


    Logiciel libre, neutralité du net, vie privée, démocratie, laïcité, écologie, politique …

  • Free Software Foundation fsf@microca.st

    Boston, MA

    Fighting for essential freedoms for computer users since 1985. https://www.fsf.org

  • cmhobbs cmhobbs@pump.libernil.net

    Siloam Springs, Arkansas

    Family man, software developer, domestic punk, and armchair activist. I do filthy, nerdy things... http://libernil.net

  • talo talo@mipump.es



  • Debacle Debacle@urmf.net


    Debian developer, Python programmer, Windenergy worker, Solarenergy scholar, City cyclist, Avowed atheist, Milonguero malvado, Voluptuous vegetarian

  • Danc tintouli@identi.ca

    Saint-Georges-la-Pouge, France

    Don't Panic

  • jrobb jrobb@io.jrobb.org


    Linux and Free Software enthusiast. I dabble in using programming to solve problems. this is my main account on io.jrobb.org https://jrobb.org

  • Carol Chen cybette@identi.ca

    Tampere, Finland

    Community Development Manager at Red Hat, F/OSS lover, gadget geek, world traveler, pianist, TASO.fi timpanist, Devaamo cofounder, previously: Jolla, Nokia, Taiwan, Singapore, Texas.

  • Denver Gingerich ossguy@identi.ca

    Upper Fraser Valley

    My views are my own. I work part-time at Software Freedom Conservancy and full-time on JMP.

  • debexpert debexpert@identi.ca


    #Drummer doing #docker #k8s #telecoms

  • Arcee arcee@urmf.net


    Some help: https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/Who-to-follow,-most-shared,-most-liked...-(informal-stats) http://polari.us/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gettingstartedwithpumpio

  • association Oisux oisux@identi.ca

    promotion des logiciels et systèmes d'exploitation libres dans l'Oise

  • mazkatt mazkatt@fmrl.me

  • Free Software Pact FreeSwPact@1realtime.net

    All over Europe

    The European elections will take place in May 2014. The campaign invites citizens to ask candidates to sign the Free Software Pact : http://freesoftwarepact.eu

  • Deleted ivanhoe@identi.ca