Community Organizer commorg@identi.ca
xtrakt at 2012-11-21T20:10:58+00:00
Anointed Establishment Dissident, Gnome Chomsky is OK w/ imperialism & war if it serves the cause of world government. http://bit.ly/T50sHzYour Mother, Community Organizer likes this.
Show all 6 repliesPleased to meet, x11r5. We're all stuck doing the best we can with a rather chaotic panorama. I'm more non-hyphenated vanilla a.Still the gold standard critique on Chomsky: ur1.ca/b7s3xJames Robertson at 2012-11-21T22:39:06+00:00
I've just recorded a test video from the CLI on the RPi usung streamer. Here's how http://ur1.ca/b7ssxmandelbrot, Your Mother, Community Organizer likes this.
Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno shared this.
Gordon Sinclair at 2012-11-21T22:44:55+00:00
How technology opens the door for personalised pricing http://goo.gl/O6FmaYour Mother, Community Organizer likes this.
Kuro Sawai at 2012-11-21T16:32:40+00:00
!Wikimedia Foundation and Red Hat co-organized an #OpenSource Language Summit in Pune, #India http://is.gd/dH7Odd !freeYour Mother, Community Organizer likes this.
♻ @kuro Wikimedia Foundation and Red Hat co-organized an #OpenSource Language Summit in Pune, India http://is.gd/dH7OddMike Linksvayer at 2012-11-21T17:24:38+00:00
Each version of @copyleft next needs a non-numeric moniker, motto, and mascot. Good way to increase participation by #TheCommunity.mandelbrot, Your Mother, Community Organizer, Stav Prodromou and 1 others likes this.
Valentin Villenave, Valentin Villenave shared this.
Despite your snark, I think it is actually is when it comes to MediaGoblin, quite possibly not with many other things.@fontana Anti-proliferation one such argument. Governance another; if there are problems, will you fix them? For how long?Christian Sickendieck at 2012-11-22T01:32:41+00:00
The 33 Most-Watched Cat Videos Ever http://lallus.net/9f9Hilton Garcia Fernandes, mandelbrot, Your Mother, Community Organizer and 1 others likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes shared this.
bananabob at 2012-11-22T01:37:57+00:00
" !BBC !healt - 'Fat' drug could treat epilepsy" from http://identi.ca/url/74271903Your Mother, Community Organizer, Stav Prodromou likes this.
bananabob at 2012-11-22T01:39:06+00:00
"8 Warning Signs Mom and Dad Are Getting Old : Discovery News" !health !silver http://identi.ca/url/74271916Your Mother, Community Organizer, Stav Prodromou likes this.
nds at 2012-11-22T01:37:16+00:00
I'm excited for a Thanksgiving celebration tomorrow.Your Mother, Community Organizer, Stav Prodromou likes this.
@nds enjoy your thanksgiving http://www.flickr.com/photos/kdbergin/5192279681/lightbox/laurelrusswurm at 2012-11-22T01:49:44+00:00
mandelbrot, Your Mother likes this.
bananabob at 2012-11-22T02:00:13+00:00
"Heston Blumenthal: biscuits really do taste better after dunking - Telegraph" from http://identi.ca/url/74272063Your Mother, Community Organizer likes this.
bananabob at 2012-11-22T02:08:15+00:00
Wondering if @marjoleink really does have a #hammockYour Mother, Community Organizer, Stav Prodromou likes this.
Shaun Mallette at 2012-11-22T02:39:28+00:00
Monsanto insurance: USDA tells farmers to pay for avoiding troubles with agro-giant http://bit.ly/Td7472a(n) person, Your Mother, Community Organizer, Stav Prodromou likes this.
Christopher Chaw, Christopher Chaw, a(n) person, a(n) person shared this.
Shaun Mallette at 2012-11-22T02:40:50+00:00
Toshiba launches radiation-proof robot to clean up Fukushima http://bit.ly/Td7b2Amandelbrot, Your Mother, Community Organizer, Stav Prodromou likes this.
Christopher Chaw, Christopher Chaw shared this.
Thomas Gideon at 2012-11-22T02:53:01+00:00
I've heard of this game in hushed, embarrassed tones but finally playing Cards against Humanity for the first time.mandelbrot, Your Mother, X11R5, Community Organizer and 1 others likes this.
Michael Ekstrand at 2012-11-22T03:55:46+00:00
specific problem caused by !identica issue could also be mitigated w/ setting not to display images from users I don't follow.Aleksej, Your Mother, Community Organizer, Stav Prodromou likes this.
X11R5 at 2012-11-22T03:58:04+00:00
@lnxwalt280 how's it going with me. I'm 45 and i get is not ready to goStav Prodromou, mandelbrot, Your Mother, Community Organizer likes this.
Stav Prodromou at 2012-11-22T04:29:02+00:00
Reminds me of famous Utah teapot used for early graphical rendering test objects. It now resides in Computer Tech Museum in Mt. View, CAmandelbrot, Your Mother, Community Organizer likes this.
@stav I have not heard of Utah teapotbananabob at 2012-11-22T01:46:17+00:00
" !BBC !scitech - How the world's first webcam made a coffee pot famous" from http://identi.ca/url/74271952Your Mother, Community Organizer, Stav Prodromou likes this.
Reminds me of famous Utah teapot used for early graphical rendering test objects. It now resides in Computer Tech Museum in Mt. View, CAStav Prodromou at 2012-11-22T04:29:02+00:00
mandelbrot, Your Mother, Community Organizer likes this.
Stav Prodromou at 2012-07-25T20:50:35+00:00
Buses stop in bus stations. Trains stop in train stations. In my office, I sit at a work station. !humorvijendra paliwal, Bruce Cowan, Olivia, mandelbrot and 5 others likes this.