Christoph Langner at 2012-07-02T19:58:30+00:00
Neu auf #LinuxUndIch: Android SDK bequem unter Debian, Ubuntu oder Linux Mint per Skript installieren - http://lxui.de/QX1SnMConsEbt likes this.
Christoph Langner at 2012-07-02T21:19:08+00:00
Neu auf #LinuxUndIch: Komplettes Backup eines Android-4.0-Handys oder Tablets ohne Root-Rechte erstellen - http://lxui.de/M1k4J4ConsEbt likes this.
Bembel ::BK:: at 2012-06-19T12:08:01+00:00
Wie mache ich eigene #Kontakte in der #Diaspora für alle sichtbar? http://j.mp/diaspora01 es geht @nunatak @mrtopf #joindiasporaConsEbt likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2011-09-19T22:04:49+00:00
Yes. We are establishing a real names policy. Everyone will have to send a PGP-signed copy of their passport pictures.Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Aric Gardner, Ecotribe, Andriy Tymchenko and 15 others likes this.
Andriy Tymchenko, Andriy Tymchenko, Blaise Alleyne, Blaise Alleyne and 8 others shared this.
... countersigned by at least four great-grandparents.Simon Phipps at 2011-09-19T22:06:47+00:00
James Tait, Thomas Jollans likes this.
Dude, you almost gave me a heart attack. It took me a while, couple of seconds, to see that it was a joke. :-PDon't forget the unmarked, non sequential bills in an unmarked envelope.Dr. Matt Lee at 2011-09-19T22:31:43+00:00
Andriy Tymchenko likes this.
No No No. You must require full credit card and bank wire transfer information, and a DNA sample. NO ALIENS, NO ZOMBIES.Ron K. Jeffries at 2011-09-20T16:19:36+00:00
James Tait likes this.
Efrain Valles at 2010-05-18T12:05:02+00:00
New Post: MOTU Log entry #14: getting your tools ready. !motu !ubuntu !ubuntudevelopers http://bit.ly/a7Tx1xConsEbt likes this.
Christoph Langner at 2010-04-14T19:49:05+00:00
Neues aus #LinuxUndIch: Die Gerüchte haben gestimmt. #Teamviewer gibts nun auch für #Linux http://is.gd/bsNa8 (Allerdings nur via #Wine)ConsEbt likes this.
Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung at 2010-03-12T07:03:51+00:00
Auf geht's zum Aktivenkongress der Netzgesellschaft heute in #Hamburg! Hashtag: #aktivcongrezConsEbt likes this.
DokuWiki at 2010-02-15T15:14:48+00:00
Nice blog post by a new user: "Another discovery: DokuWiki" http://ping.fm/3IFe1 /agConsEbt, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. likes this.
ConsEbt shared this.