Software Freedom Conservancy

Bradley M. Kuhn To Keynote GUADEC & OpenSym 2016

Software Freedom Conservancy at


In the next ten days, Bradley M. Kuhn, Distinguished Technologist at Software Freedom Conservancy, will keynote two conferences in Germany — GUADEC 2016 and OpenSym 2016.

On Friday 12 August 2016 in Karlsruhe, Germany, Kuhn will deliver a keynote at the GNOME Users and Developers European Conference (GUADEC) 2016 entitled Confessions of a Command-Line Geek: Why I Don’t Use GNOME But Everyone Else Should. Kuhn will discuss the incredible importance of the GNOME desktop project to the future of software freedom, despite that so much of “Open Source” now focuses on infrastructure projects rather than applications and GUIs.

On Wednesday 17 August 2016 at 15:30 in Berlin, Germany, Kuhn will deliver a keynote entitled Politics of Cooption in Free and Open Communities at The International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym) 2016. Kuhn's keynote there will discuss how the advent of cooption of software freedom by for-profit companies and their trade associations has created a complex political system, and how other communities inspired by software freedom may soon face similar challenges.

Kuhn thanks the organizers of both conferences from graciously inviting him to join other excellent keynoters at both events, and for the opportunity to share an essential message of software freedom with both of this important communities. Conservancy enthusiasts and supporters are encouraged to attend these events; registration details are available on the respective conference's websites.

der.hans, sazius likes this.

der.hans shared this.

These sound really interesting. Wish I could attend!

Can I assume these talks will be posted online?

James Dearing 🐲 at 9 years ago

der.hans likes this.